Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 2024

Journal Title

Journal of the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress

Volume Number

Volume 10

First Page


Last Page



Publisher PDF: the final published version of the article, with professional formatting and typesetting


special operations forces, women, collaborative care, mental health, physical health


Women have faced limited access to needed and appropriate services in many professional and societal conditions. Military Special Operations Forces (SOF) is one of these domains. However, despite recent changes that have allowed the inclusion of women into these units, they continue to endure cultural and systemic barriers as well as several subsequent mental and physical health issues. Experiences of gender discrimination, sexual harassment, nonacceptance, and the unique demands of SOF roles can create various health concerns for women in SOF, including PTSD, depression, trauma, and reproductive health issues. These significant concerns highlight the need for clinical and practical recommendations when working with clients of this population within a counseling setting. This article aims to identify and propose recommendations, including understanding women's service in SOF and its impact on mental health and advocating for collaborative care to identify physical health concerns. Utilizing these recommendations would serve to support this underrepresented yet vulnerable population better.


Shared with written permission from AAETS.

Original Publication Citation

Khanna, K., Salaz, J., Boyd, N., Reeves, A., & Hoehling, K. (2024). Women serving in special operation forces: Practical recommendations for mental health providers. Journal of the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress, 10(Summer-Fall), 78–96.
