
Faculty Scholarship from 2024


Kinetics and Oligomer Products of the Multiphase Reactions of Hydroxyacetone with Atmospheric Amines, Ammonium Sulfate, and Cloud Processing, David O. De Haan, Leila Nahid Hawkins, Elyse A. Pennington, Hannah G. Walsh, Alyssa A. Rodriguez, Michael A. Symons, Alyssa D. Andretta, Michael A. Rafla, Chen Le, Audrey C. De Haan, Tianqu Cui, Jason D. Surratt, Mathieu Cazaunau, Edouard Pangui, and Jean-François Doussin

Faculty Scholarship from 2023


Length of Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CURE) Impacts Student Learning and Attitudinal Outcomes: A Study of the Malate Dehydrogenase CUREs Community (MCC), Sue Ellen DeChenne-Peters, John F. Rakus, Amy D. Parente, Tamara L. Mans, Rebecca Eddy, Nicole Galport, Courtney Joletar, Joeseph J. Provost, J. Ellis Bell, and Jessica K. Bell


Brown Carbon from Photo-Oxidation of Glyoxal and SO2 in Aqueous Aerosol, David O. De Haan, Lelia N. Hawkins, Praveen D. Wickremasinghe, Alyssa D. Andretta, Juliette R. Dignum, Audrey C. De Haan, Hannah G. Welsh, Elyse A. Pennington, Tianqu Cui, Jason D. Surratt, Mathieu Cazaunau, Edouard Pangui, and Jean-François Doussin


Facile Synthesis and Characterization of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Decorated With Hydroxyapatite From Cattle Horns for Adsorptive Removal of Fluoride, Walter Ojok, James P. Bolender, John Wasswa, Emmanuel Ntambi, William Wanasolo, and Brenda Moodley


Peptide Conjugates With Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons Can Benefit the Activity of Catalytic RNAs, Kevin J. Sweeney, Tommy Le, Micaella Z. Jorge, Joan G. Schellinger, Luke J. Leman, and Ulrich F. Müller

Faculty Scholarship from 2022


Kinetics, products, and brown carbon formation by aqueous-phase reactions of glycolaldehyde with atmospheric amines and ammonium sulfate (Raw data), David O. De Haan, Alyssa A. Rodriguez, Michael A. Rafla, Hannah G. Welsh, Elyse A. Pennington, Jason R. Casar, Lelia N. Hawkins, Natalie G. Jimenez, Alexia de Loera, Devoun R. Stewart, Antonio Rojas, Matthew-Khoa Tran, Peng Lin, Alexander Laskin, Paola Formenti, Mathieu Cazaunau, Edouard Pangui, and Jean-François Doussin


Kinetics, Products, and Brown Carbon Formation by Aqueous-Phase Reactions of Glycolaldehyde with Atmospheric Amines and Ammonium Sulfate, David O. De Haan, Alyssa A. Rodriguez, Michael A. Rafla, Hannah G. Welsh, Elyse A. Pennington, Jason R. Casar, Lelia N. Hawkins, Natalie G. Jimenez, Alexia de Loera, Devoun R. Stewart, Antonio Rojas, Matthew-Khoa Tran, Peng Lin, Alexander Laskin, Paola Formenti, Mathieu Cazaunau, Edouard Pangui, and Jean-François Doussin


Radical-Initiated Brown Carbon Formation in Sunlit Carbonyl–Amine–Ammonium Sulfate Mixtures and Aqueous Aerosol Particles, Natalie G. Jimenez, Kyle D. Sharp, Tobin Gramyk, Duncan Z. Ugland, Matthew-Khoa Tran, Antonio Rojas, Michael A. Rafla, Devoun Stewart, Melissa M. Galloway, Peng Lin, Alexander Laskin, Mathieu Cazaunau, Edouard Pangui, Jean-François Doussin, and David O. De Haan

Faculty Scholarship from 2020


Glyoxal’s impact on dry ammonium salts: fast and reversible surface aerosol browning, David O. De Haan PhD, Lelia N. Hawkins PhD, Kevin Jansen, Hannah G. Welsh, Raunak Pednekar, Alexia de Loera, Natalie G. Jimenez, Margaret A. Tolbert PhD, Mathieu Cazaunau PhD, Aline Gratien, Antonin Bergé, Edouard Pangui, Paola Formenti, and Jean-François Doussin


Glyoxal’s impact on dry ammonium salts: fast and reversible surface aerosol browning (Raw Data), David O. De Haan PhD, Lelia N. Hawkins PhD, Margaret A. Tolbert PhD, and Jean-François Doussin


Brown Carbon Production by Aqueous-Phase Interactions of Glyoxal and SO2, David O. De Haan, Kevin Jansen, Alec D. Rynaski, W. Ryan P. Sueme, Ashley K. Torkelson, Eric T. Czer, Alexander K. Kim, Michael A. Rafla, Audrey C. De Haan, and Margaret A. Tolbert

Faculty Scholarship from 2018


Methylglyoxal Uptake Coefficients on Aqueous Aerosol Surfaces, David O. De Haan, Natalie G. Jimenez, Alexia de Loera, Mathieu Cazaunau, Aline Gratien, Edouard Pangui, and Jean-Francois Doussin

Faculty Scholarship from 2017


Formaldehyde and Acetaldehyde Increase Aqueous-Phase Production of Imidazoles in Methylglyoxal/Amine Mixtures: Quantifying a Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation Mechanism, Alyssa A. Rodriguez, Alexia de Loera, Michelle H. Powelson, Melissa M. Galloway, and David O. De Haan

Faculty Scholarship from 2016


Maillard chemistry in clouds and aqueous aerosol as a source of atmospheric humic-like substances, Leila N. Hawkins, Amanda N. Lemire, Melissa M. Galloway, Ashley L. Corrigan, Jacob J. Turley, Brenna M. Espelien, and David O. De Haan

Faculty Scholarship from 2015


Free Energy Map for the Co-Oligomerization of Formaldehyde and Ammonia, Jeremy Kua, Alyssa A. Rodriguez, Lily A. Marucci, Melissa M. Galloway, and David O. De Haan

Faculty Scholarship from 2014


Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation During Evaporation of Droplets Containing Atmospheric Aldehydes, Amines, and Ammounium Sulfate, Melissa M. Galloway, Michelle H. Powelson, Nahzaneen Sedehi, Stephanie E. Wood, Katherine D. Millage, Julia A. Kononenko, Alec D. Rynaski, and David O. De Haan


Formation of Semi-Solid, Oligomerized Aqueous SOA: Cloud and Aerosol Lab Simulations, Leila N. Hawkins, Molly J. Baril, Nahzaneen Sedehi, Melissa M. Galloway, David O. De Haan, Gregory P. Schill, and Margaret A. Tolbert


Brown Carbon Formation by Aqueous-Phase Carbonyl Compound Reactions with Amines and Ammonium Sulfate, Michelle H. Powelson, Brenna M. Espelien, Leila N. Hawkins, Melissa M. Galloway, and David O. De Haan


Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation on Simulated Secondary Organic Aerosol, Gregory P. Schill, David O. De Haan, and Margaret A. Tolbert

Faculty Scholarship from 2013


Glycolaldehyde Monomer and Oligomer Equilibra in Aqueous Solution: Comparing Computational Chemistry and NMR Data, Jeremy Kua, Melissa M. Galloway, Katherine D. Millage, Joseph E. Avila, and David O. De Haan


Temperature- and pH-Dependent Aqueous-Phase Kinetics of the Reactions of Glyoxal and Methylglyoxal With Atmospheric Amines and Ammonium Sulfate, Nahzaneen Sedehi, Hiromi Takano, Vanessa A. Blasic, Kristin A. Sullivan, and David O. De Haan

Faculty Scholarship from 2012


Heterogeneous Glyoxal Oxidation: A Potential Source of Secondary Organic Aerosol, Brandon M. Connelly, David O. De Haan, and Margaret A. Tolbert


Optical Properties of the Products of α-Dicarbonyl and Amine Reactions in Simulated Cloud Droplets, Kyle J. Zarzana, David O. De Haan, Miriam A. Freedman, Christa A. Hasnkopf, and Margaret A. Tolbert

Faculty Scholarship from 2011


Formation of Nitrogen-Containing Oligomers by Methylglyoxal and Amines in Simulated Evaporating Cloud Droplets, David O. De Haan, Lelia N. Hawkins, Julia A. Kononenko, Jacob J. Turley, Ashley L. Corrigan, Margaret A. Tolbert, and Jose L. Jimenez


Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Imidazole Formation from Glyoxal, Methylamine, and Formaldehyde: A Computational Study, Jeremy Kua, Hadley E. Krizner, and David O. De Haan

Faculty Scholarship from 2010


Can Rapid Loss, High Variability of Martian Methane be Explained by Surface H2O2?, Raina V. Gough, J. J. Turley, G. R. Ferrell, K. E. Kordova, S. E. Wood, David O. De Haan, C. P. McKay, O. B. Toon, and M. A. Tolbert

Faculty Scholarship from 2009


Applying California's AB 32 Targets to the Regional Level: A Study of San Diego County Greenhouse Gases and Reduction Stages, Scott J. Anders, David O. De Haan, Nilmini Silva-Send, Sean Tanka, and Lauren Tyner


Gas-Phase Water Mediated Equilibrium Study Between Methylglyoxal and its Geminal Diol, Jessica L. Axson, Kaito Takahashi, David O. De Haan, and Veronica Vaida


Secondary Organic Aerosol-Forming Reactions of Glyoxal with Amino Acids, David O. De Haan, Ashley L. Corrigan, Kyle W. Smith, Daniel R. Stroik, Jacob J. Turley, Frances E. Lee, Margaret A. Tolbert, Jose L. Jimenez, Kyle E. Cordova, and Grant E. Ferrell


Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation by Self-Reactions of Methylglyoxal and Glyoxal in Evaporating Droplets, David O. De Haan, Ashley L. Corrigan, Margaret A. Tolbert, Jose L. Jimenez, Stephanie E. Wood, and Jacob J. Turley


Atmospheric Condensed-Phase Reactions of Glyoxal with Methylamine, David O. De Haan, Margaret A. Tolbert, and Jose L. Jimenez


Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Methylglyoxal Dimer Formation: A Computational Study, Hadley E. Krizner, David O. De Haan, and Jeremy Kua

Faculty Scholarship from 2008


Uptake of Glyoxal by Organic and Inorganic Aerosol, Ashley L. Corrigan, Sean W. Hanley, and David O. De Haan


Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Glyoxal Dimer Formation: A Computational Study, Jeremy Kua, Sean W. Hanley, and David O. De Haan

Faculty Scholarship from 2006


Oligomer Formation in Evaporating Aqueous Glyoxal and Methyl Glyoxal Solutions, Kirsten W. Loeffler, Charles A. Koehler, Nichole M. Paul, and David O. De Haan

Faculty Scholarship from 2005


Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation by Glyoxal Hydration and Oligomer Formation:  Humidity Effects and Equilibrium Shifts during Analysis, William P. Hastings, Charles A. Koehler, Earl L. Bailey, and David O. De Haan

Faculty Scholarship from 2004


Formation of Secondary Organic Aerosol by Reactive Condensation of Furandiones, Aldehydes, and Water Vapor Onto Inorganic Aerosol Seed Particles, Charles A. Koehler, Jeremiah D. Fillo, Kyle A. Ries, Jose T. Sanchez, and David O. De Haan

Faculty Scholarship from 2003


Simulating Secondary Organic Aerosol Activation by Condensation of Multiple Organics on Seed Particles, Jeremiah D. Fillo, Charles A. Koheler, Thao P. Nguyen, David O. De Haan, Benjamin A. Gilbert, and Kevin P. Flinn

Faculty Scholarship from 1999


Heterogeneous Chemistry in the Troposphere: Experimental Approaches and Applications to the Chemistry of Sea Salt Particles, David O. De Haan, Theo Brauers, Kawon W. Oum, Jochen Stutz, Trent Nordmeyer, and Barbara J. Finlayson-Pitts

Faculty Scholarship from 1998


Formation of Molecular Chlorine From the Photolysis of Ozone and Aqueous Sea-Salt Particles, Koman W. Oum, M. J. Lakin, David O. De Haan, Theo Brauers, and Barbara J. Finlayson-Pitts

Faculty Scholarship from 1997


Heterogeneous Reactions of Chlorine Peroxide with Halide Ions, David O. De Haan and John W. Birks


Knudsen Cell Studies of the Reaction of Gaseous Nitric Acid with Synthetic Sea Salt at 298 K, David O. De Haan and Barbara J. Finlayson-Pitts


Modeling Studies of the Effects of the Heterogeneous Reaction ClOOCl + HCl → Cl2 + HOOCl on Stratospheric Chlorine Activation and Ozone Depletion, David O. De Haan, I. Fløisand, and F. Stordal

Faculty Scholarship from 1995


Scope and Mechanism of "Double-Agent" Halogenation, Franklin P. DeHaan, Matthew W. Allen, Marjorie C. Ang, Donald B. Balacuit, Cornelia A. Bentley, Robert J. Bergstrand, Eugene R. Cho, David O. De Haan, Timothy E. Farris, Carl R. Kemnitz, Kteven K. Ma, Kathryn A. Martin, Richard M. Ruiz, Douglas K. Sakamoto, Orit Sharvit, Timothy T. Strasmaier, H. Tetsuo Uyeda, and Randy M. Villahermosa

Faculty Scholarship from 1989


Hindered Internal Rotation and Ortho-H2 Enrichment in Trans-Stilbene--H2/D2 Complexes, David O. De Haan and Timothy S. Zwier

Faculty Scholarship from 1988


State Mixing and Vibrational Predissociation in Large Molecule Van Der Waals Complexes: Trans‐Stilbene–X Complexes Where X=He, H2, Ne, and Ar, David O. De Haan, Alicia L. Holton, and Timothy S. Zwier