San Diego Law Review
Volume 16, Issue 2 (1979)
Editorial Board
The Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Opinion: A Masterpiece of Statutory Misinterpretation
Nathaniel L. Nathanson
The California Sea Otter: Emerging Conflicts in Resource Management
James J. Armstrong
Institutional Due Process in the Twenty-First Century: The Future of the Hearing Requirement
Harold H. Bruff
Moderator's Remarks
Harold H. Bruff
The Goss Principle
Kenneth Culp Davis
From Dr. Bonham to Ms. Horowitz: Fair Hearing in Historical Perspective
Nathaniel L. Nathanson
Some Thoughts on the Relationship between Fundamental Values and Procedural Safeguards in Constitutional Right to Hearing Cases
Robert L. Rabin
Some Kind of Hearing for Persons Discharged from Private Employment
Cornelius J. Peck
Teaching Transcendental Meditation in Public Schools: Defining Religion for Establishment Purposes
Don Hall