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Essays in Biochemistry


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Biology | Cell Biology | Genetics | Medical Cell Biology | Medical Genetics


Malate dehydrogenase (MDH) performs key roles in metabolism, but little is known about its function specifically in human health and disease. In this minireview, we describe the incomplete state of our knowledge of human MDH genetics. Humans have three MDH genes with a total of four validated isoforms. MDH1 and MDH2 are widely expressed, while MDH1B is only expressed in a small subset of tissues. Many mutations in MDH1 and MDH2 have been identified in patients, but only a few have been studied to determine what symptoms they cause. MDH1 has been associated with cancer and a neurodevelopmental disorder. MDH2 has been associated with diabetes, neurodevelopmental disorders, and cancer.

Table 1.xlsx (21 kB)
Table 2.xlsx (30 kB)
