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Reach codes are local energy ordinances that employ various technologies, strategies, and integrated systems that go above California Building Standards Code (CA Building Code, Title 24) standards and support greenhouse gas emission reduction efforts. A reach code is a mandated energy performance requirement for the built environment, typically incorporated as part of a city’s climate action plan, local hazard mitigation plan, or climate adaptation plan. Not only do reach codes help local jurisdictions remain in compliance with state mandates, they enable local climate leadership by signaling support for the future direction of state Building Code standards. This blog provides a high-level overview of reach code development, adoption, and implementation while identifying technological advancements and policy pathways that offer opportunities for reach codes to support high-performing buildings and broader socio-economic development.

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Reach codes, local jurisdiction, energy efficiency, buildings, electrification, decarbonization, climate change


Education | Environmental Sciences | Nonprofit Administration and Management

Why Reach Codes: Local Players Driving Statewide Building Standards
