Publication Date

Spring 5-10-2020

Document Type

Action research project: Open access

Degree Name

MA Higher Education Leadership


Leadership Studies


This study explored current and former foster programming from local San Diego community colleges and a San Diego four-year institution to provide insight and recommendations to increase enrollment and retention of foster youth at the University of San Diego for their program Torero Renaissance Scholars. My participants included current and former foster youth who either had attended a local San Diego community college or a San Diego four-year institution. Through my focus group, one-on-one interviews, and my surveys, participants recommended a high need for four-year institutions to begin college outreach in K-12 education and inclusion of holistic resources (leadership workshops, professional development opportunities, and community networking) with a heavy focus on student well-being over the default transactional piece of finance and housing. The research completed here provides an opportunity for professionals in higher education to actively listen and read the narratives of foster youth to rethink current programming design and initiatives.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a CC BY License.
