Date of Award

Spring 5-27-2023

Document Type

Doctor of Nursing Practice Final Manuscript

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice



First Advisor

Razel Milo PhD, DNP, MSN, FNP-C, RN



This evidence-based practice project aims to apply the Family Nutrition and Physical Activity (FNPA) tool with diet and physical education to increase obesity awareness and decrease body mass index (BMI) among overweight parents in the community. The FNPA screening tool is a behaviorally based assessment designed to allow parents to evaluate obesogenic environments and practices that may predispose their children to become overweight. The first goal was to recruit parents in the community and utilize the FNPA tool to assess and better understand their diet and physical activity levels. The second goal was to increase obesity awareness among these parents to adopt healthier lifestyles in the home to lower BMI.


Childhood Obesity is a growing epidemic that has shown rates that have tripled over the last decade. The prevalence of obesity in 2018 was 42.4%, with people suffering from obesity having much higher medical costs annually than people with a healthy weight. Research has demonstrated significant relationships between childhood and parental obesity while indicating maternal obesity as a predictor of childhood obesity. The United States has an essential issue as over one-third of children are overweight or obese. Many conflicts and barriers have limited the ability to combat childhood obesity, with a consistent limiting factor being the carryover of lessons learned in the homes. Parental engagement is a significant barrier in some households, making it difficult to maintain these learned behaviors past school hours.

Project Plan Process

The FNPA tool was utilized in a community-based setting to apply education-based intervention impacting health. The FNPA tool provided health professionals with an easy THE IMPACT OF THE FNPA TOOL 6

screening tool to facilitate awareness and counseling for obesity prevention in parents than the current standard of care. A follow-up assessment was performed to assess both changes in BMI and scores on the FNPA scores.

Evaluation of Outcomes

The FNPA tool demonstrated to be an easy tool to educate families. Most families with improvement in FNPA scores demonstrated improved BMI in their children. Of the families with improved FNPA scores, 86% of their children fell within a healthy BMI range. Therefore, increased utilization and education of the FNPA tool in any setting may decrease obesity in parents and children.


The project outcomes identify families at risk for overweight children and a trigger to enhance education to combat obesity in these households. Healthcare providers should reinforce resources to combat obesity in their patients. We must take a stand to protect our future and ensure they are set up for a healthy and safe life.

Included in

Nursing Commons
