Date of Award

Spring 5-27-2017

Document Type

Doctor of Nursing Practice Final Manuscript

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice



First Advisor

Kathy James, DNSc, APRN


Objective: This evidence-based practice project piloted a team-based program using Motivational Interviewing (MI) and 5 A’s (Assess, Advise, Ask, Assist, and Arrange) to promote healthy behavior and reduce blood pressure at an on-site corporate primary care clinic.

Methods: Patients were counseled using MI and the 5 A’s techniques. Patients received an educational booklet and monthly telephone follow up. Patients returned to clinic 3 months afterwards. Data collected included Dietary Screener Questionnaire scores, blood pressure, and self-rating of concern and motivation.

Results: A total of 4 people participated with variable follow-up. Readiness for change remained stable and confidence scores remained stable or increased. One patient decreased daily amount of fatty, salty and sugary foods, but also of desirable food. In 3 of the 4 patients, blood pressure readings improved or remained the same.

Conclusion and Implications: Use of Motivational Interviewing may contribute to a patient friendly environment to encourage healthy behavior.

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