
San Diego International Law Journal

Cyberbullying: What's the "Status" in England?


Krupa A. Patel

Library of Congress Authority File


Document Type



This comment will explore the growing concern of cyberbullying and will highlight the need for the English Parliament to create its own national anti-cyberbullying legislation, or to incorporate this activity into existing laws as a preventative measure. Part II will define cyberbullying, highlight the various ways in which cyberbullying differs from traditional forms of bullying, and explore specific forms and mediums of cyberbullying to underscore the difficulty in regulating such actions through the law. It will also include illustrative examples of cyberbullying incidents. Part III explores the current laws that English prosecutors are attempting to use to penalize those who cyberbully, as well as legislation that has been enacted in certain states in America to curb this activity. Finally, Part IV will recommend language that the English Parliament could incorporate into an existing statute to criminalize cyberbullying and deter such activity in the future.

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