
San Diego International Law Journal


Marty Levers

Library of Congress Authority File


Document Type



Privatized space travel is not innately bad because of its commercial nature. Commercialization leads to efficient innovation; and our scientific pursuits benefit from advancements in technology in every space-related industry. This is not to say that privatized space travel is not without disgust and dissenters. As a dissenter, Buzz Aldrin questioned Elon Musk’s Mars proposal by arguing, “Well, now, when your [rocket] lands on Mars with people, is there going to be anything down there for you to live in or do?” Buzz Aldrin is not alone in his questioning of the motives behind mega corporations’ space projects. Billionaire-funded space travel can be a viable new market, but there is a balance of ideals we must maintain—that of corporate profit and innovation, and global public interests. The global community cannot allow corporate giant egos to stifle valid criticisms regarding consumer safety and the global community, including international relations and foreign policy. Until international governments rethink current ratified treaties and agreements, nations will not be able to provide the security that may sway dissenters to the side of privatized space travel. Commercial space travel is here, let’s ensure regulations can meet it halfway.
