2024 State of Nonprofits and Philanthropy Annual Report
Tessa Tinkler, Cristina Sanchez-Kerr, Laura Deitrick, Bryan Cardenas, Eo Hanabusa, Richard Hurt, Timothy Nelson, Connelly Meschen, Jon Durnford, and Daniela Olguin
The 2024 State of Nonprofits and Philanthropy report provides a comprehensive analysis of the current landscape of the nonprofit sector in San Diego County. The broader purpose of this report is to inform and inspire nonprofit leaders, employees, funders, and policymakers as they work together to strengthen the sector and enhance its impact on the community. By highlighting key trends, challenges, and opportunities, the report aims to support strategic decision-making and foster collaboration across the sector. The findings underscore the strength of the nonprofit sector in San Diego County in the face of ongoing economic and social pressures, while also identifying areas for growth and improvement. This report serves as a resource for understanding the current state of nonprofits and philanthropy in San Diego and for guiding future efforts to build a more sustainable and impactful sector.
In previous years, insights about the health and well-being of the workforce were exclusively drawn from secondary data sources and from the perspective of executive management. Based on feedback from our community to better capture the perspective of staff at all levels of an organization, this year’s report expands its scope to include insights from both executive leaders and employees, offering a more holistic view of the sector's health and challenges.
2023 State of Nonprofits and Philanthropy Annual Report
Tessa Tinkler, Connelly Meschen, Jon Durnford, Laura Deitrick, and Emily Young
San Diego County is home to a growing and dynamic nonprofit sector working on the frontlines to serve families and communities while also advancing innovative solutions to the region’s most urgent challenges. To support our community and regional leaders to be informed partners with the nonprofit sector, the 2023 State of Nonprofits and Philanthropy Annual Report provides relevant and current information on the health and impact of the sector. The report draws from over a decade of quarterly public opinion polling of San Diego residents and a survey of local nonprofit leaders, combined with the latest nonprofit data from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the California Employment Development Department (EDD). This year’s data document a thriving nonprofit sector that is very much in need of ongoing support to sustain and enhance its capacity to address the pressing problems facing our region.
2022 State of Nonprofits and Philanthropy Annual Report
Laura Deitrick, Tessa Tinkler, Jon Durnford, Thomas Abruzzo, Connelly Meschen, and Emily Young
The 2022 State of Nonprofits and Philanthropy Annual Report presents findings from ten years of quarterly public opinion polling (San Diego Residents Survey) and nearly 250 survey responses from local nonprofit leaders (Nonprofit Leaders Survey) combined with the latest nonprofit data from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the California Employment Development Department (EDD). Taken together, these data provide a holistic snapshot of San Diego’s nonprofit sector in 2022, summarizing its social and economic contributions to our region, highlighting potential opportunities for greater impact, and drawing our attention to trends which could threaten the nonprofit sector in the future. This year’s report finds San Diego County nonprofits are well positioned to innovate to meet challenging community needs and advance the quality of life in our region.
2021 State of Nonprofits and Philanthropy Annual Report
Laura Deitrick, Tessa Tinkler, Jon Durnford, Tom Abruzzo, Nallely Manriques, and Mehrnoush Jamshidi
The 2021 State of Nonprofits and Philanthropy Annual Report presents findings from ten years of quarterly public opinion polling (San Diego Residents Survey) and nearly 250 survey responses from local nonprofit leaders (Nonprofit Leaders Survey) combined with the latest nonprofit data from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the California Employment Development Department (EDD). Taken together, these data provide a holistic snapshot of San Diego’s nonprofit sector in 2021, summarizing its social and economic contributions to our region, highlighting potential opportunities for greater impact, and drawing our attention to trends which could threaten the nonprofit sector in the future. This year’s report highlights the resilience of San Diego’s nonprofit sector and how it has adapted to meet the moment.
2020 Annual Report: State of Nonprofits and Philanthropy in San Diego
Laura Deitrick, Tessa Tinkler, Jon Durnford, Thomas Abruzzo, Taylor Funderburk, and Connelly Meschen
The year 2020 has become one of reckoning – as a time for reflection and hindsight about how we got to this point of crisis, as well as one for envisioning a new path forward. As the pandemic shows no sign of abating, the disruption wrought by COVID-19 is broad and deep for nonprofits, their leaders, and constituents.
The 2020 State of Nonprofit and Philanthropy Report synthesizes findings from three nonprofit leader surveys (including COVID-19 impacts surveys), public opinion polling, and other sources of nonprofit data to provide the most up to date and holistic picture of this essential sector. The story that emerges is both hopeful and concerning. Some nonprofits have adapted quickly by finding new ways to collaborate, leveraging capacity, and more effectively advocating together for those they serve. Yet, other nonprofits struggle to bridge digital divides and regain their financial footing. San Diego’s nonprofit sector is home to a wide variety of organizations.
2019 Annual Report: State of Nonprofits and Philanthropy in San Diego
Laura Deitrick, Colton Strawser, Tessa Tinkler, and Jon Durnford
This report features our latest findings on the state of San Diego’s nonprofit sector, as well as key trends and perspectives from leaders in nonprofits and philanthropy. The nonprofit sector is caught in the cross winds of major shifts in the ways that people engage in their communities and how they give. Our research shows that as public trust in institutions has waned, the nonprofit sector stands out as an exception, enjoying high public confidence. How will changes in giving and engagement affect the public’s esteem and support for the nonprofit sector?
2018 Annual Report: State of Nonprofits and Philanthropy in San Diego
Emily Young, Laura Deitrick, Colton Strawser, and Jon Durnford
The 2018 State of Nonprofits and Philanthropy Report highlights the pivotal role nonprofits play in protecting and enhancing the well-being and prosperity of our region. The sector continues to grow in number of total organizations, size of the workforce, and total revenues and assets. Despite continued growth, demand for nonprofit services continues to outpace the sector's ability to meet growing needs. Additionally, the full impact of federal tax reform on charitable giving remains unclear. Moreover, nonprofit leaders are challenged with navigating an ambiguous policy environment at a time when the public is increasingly divided about how to help the constituents they serve to build a more courageous and compassionate society.
2017 Annual Report: State of Nonprofits in San Diego
Laura Deitrick, Jon Durnford, and Emily Young
The 2017 State of Nonprofits in San Diego report showcases current statistics on what nonprofits and philanthropy look like in the San Diego region, as well as the critical trends in organizational readiness, workforce development, fundraising, and public policy directly related to the sector’s ability to fulfill their social purpose mission.
State of Nonprofits Annual Report: 2016 Infographic
Laura Deitrick
The 2016 State of Nonprofits and Philanthropy annual report analyzes the health of San Diego’s nonprofit sector, identifies important trends, and reports on leadership perspectives.
The number of nonprofit organizations is rebounding to pre-recession levels, while revenues and nonprofit employment continue on an upward trend. Nonprofits remain an important contributor to the local economy. Accounting for nine percent of County employment, San Diego’s 10,196 nonprofits generated $14.9B in revenue and hold $23.8B in assets. Financial indicators as well as patterns of household giving and volunteering point to a more stable nonprofit sector in San Diego compared to the previous year.
Nonprofit leaders report an increase in demand for their organization’s services and are confronting workforce development issues resulting from changes to the minimum wage and the retirement of many seasoned leaders. These challenges emerge alongside demands from donors for greater efficiency and results-focused reporting, and more collaboration as a means to leveraging limited resources.
State of Nonprofits Annual Report: 2016
Laura Deitrick, Mary Jo Schumann, Marcus Lam, Hans Peter Schmitz, Tessa Tinkler, and Crystal Trull
The 2016 State of Nonprofits and Philanthropy report analyzes the health of San Diego’s nonprofit sector, identifies important trends, and reports on leadership perspectives.
In addition to an annual summary of the Caster Center’s State of Nonprofits Quarterly Index (SONP Index) this report draws on the most recently available data about nonprofits from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the California Employment Development Department (EDD). These data are synthesized with feedback from Trend Reporters1 along with the 2016 Nonprofit Leader Survey sent to executive level management in San Diego County to provide the most comprehensive picture of San Diego’s nonprofit and philanthropic sector available (See Appendix A for more information about data sources).
State of Nonprofits Annual Report: 2015
Laura Deitrick, Mary Jo Schumann, Dominika Bukalova, Kim Hunt, and Crystal Trull
For nearly a decade, The Caster Family Center for Nonprofit and Philanthropic Research (Caster Center) has gathered and analyzed data to tell the story of San Diego’s diverse, growing, and influential nonprofit and philanthropic sector.
This year’s State of Nonprofits and Philanthropy report documents the increased economic impact of the sector as revenue, assets, and employment continue to grow. Furthermore, our State of Nonprofit Quarterly Index (SONP) and survey data from nonprofit leaders indicate that, overall, the sector is moving in a positive direction.
State of Nonprofits Annual Report: 2014
Mary Jo Schumann, Jennifer Amanda Jones, Kim Hunt, Christina Mitchell, Svetlana Krasynska, and Laura Deitrick
For the second consecutive year, the State of Nonprofits Annual Report chronicles the capacity, contributions, and overall economic health and well-being of the San Diego nonprofit sector over time.
It also documents the current state of the nonprofit sector in San Diego County based on perspectives of local nonprofit leaders in 2013.
The findings presented in this report are a culmination of various sources and represent different perspectives. Together, they help tell the story of the nonprofit sector in San Diego County (subsequently referred to as San Diego).
State of Nonprofits Annual Report: 2013
Laura Deitrick, Taylor Peyton Roberts, Jennifer A. Jones, Svetlana Krasynska, Elaine Lewis, Sue Carter Kahl, and Pat Libby
It is hard to believe, but prior to the Caster Center’s first publication in 2006, A Spotlight on San Diego’s Third Sector, nobody knew how many nonprofits were located in San Diego County, let alone anything about their major activities, capacity, or contributions to our larger economy. Since that time, the Caster Center team has been pushing the boundaries of nonprofit data collection to tell the sector’s story in a more timely, complete, and meaningful way. This report represents a new milestone in these ongoing efforts.
Much has transpired since the publication of the Center’s first report, not only in the nonprofit sector, but also in the lives of the 3 million San Diegans served by these organizations. Together we have weathered the most challenging economic conditions since the Great Depression and are adapting to its myriad and lasting effects. And, although it appears that the worst is behind us, our community and its organizations are forever changed as a result.
This report chronicles the economic health and well-being of San Diego’s nonprofit sector over that time and documents the current state of the sector as expressed by its leaders.
Operating in Uncertain Times: How Economic Conditions Have Affected San Diego County's Nonprofit and Philanthropic Sectors
Laura Deitrick, Lindsey McDougle, and Taylor Peyton Roberts
How have San Diego County's nonprofit and philanthropic organizations been managing during the economic downturn? This report: Operating in Uncertain Times, highlights the strategies and approaches taken by some of the County's largest nonprofit and philanthropic providers.
Presentation: Operating in Uncertain Times: How Economic Conditions Have Affected San Diego County's Nonprofit and Philanthropic Sectors
Laura Deitrick, Lindsey McDougle, and Taylor Peyton Roberts
How have San Diego County's nonprofit and philanthropic organizations been managing during the economic downturn? This report presentation: Operating in Uncertain Times, highlights the strategies and approaches taken by some of the County's largest nonprofit and philanthropic providers.
2010 A Spotlight on San Diego's Third Sector
Melanie Hitchcock and Laura Deitrick
What is the economic impact of San Diego's nonprofit sector and what role does it play in the region's larger economy? How is San Diego's nonprofit sector unique? How confident are people in San Diego's nonprofit organizations? Read our latest report on the state of San Diego's nonprofit sector.
The Appreciated Sector: Public Confidence in San Diego County Nonprofit Organizations
Lindsey M. McDougle, Laura Deitrick, Pat Libby, and Robert Donmoyer
Do San Diegans have confidence in the nonprofit sector? How are you affected as a nonprofit leader? Read the results on the most comprehensive survey ever conducted on this topic!
2006 A Spotlight on San Diego's Third Sector
Laura Deitrick, Kevin Raftner, Linda Kato, and Stephen H. Velez-Confer
In conjunction with the University of San Francisco's Institute for Nonprofit Organization Management, the Center produced a report focused on the contributions of the San Diego nonprofit sector to the local economy. This report's intent is to create an understanding of the nonprofit sector, measure its capacity & economic contributions, and chart its future. This project was presented November 13, 2006.
2005 Initial Market Survey
The Nonprofit Institute, University of San Diego
To ensure the Center provides products that meet the demands of its constituents, a market survey has been mailed to 1,500 San Diego nonprofits. The results of this survey will help to define the scope of services offered through the Center, and will be used to guide decisions on future topics of study. The survey focuses on services in the following areas: program evaluation, organizational development, data, and library resources.
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