
This project describes my inaugural journey in the field of engineering education research. It describes: a) the process of learning about the field; b) identifying questions of interest which were: (1) why is there such little diversity in STEM departments? (2) how does the STEAM Academy help students embrace failure as a critical part of STEAM learning? and (3) how does the STEAM Academy affirm students’ cultural and linguistic identity in STEAM?; c) defining an approach for investigating these questions in the S(TEAM)2 Academy, a 2-week-long summer enrichment program for middle and high school students, and d) the outcome of the implementation of the research, including the changes that occurred to the focus and the current pathway it has led me to.


Faculty Mentor: Odesma Dalrymple



Engineering Education: Productive Struggle and Cultural Identity

This project describes my inaugural journey in the field of engineering education research. It describes: a) the process of learning about the field; b) identifying questions of interest which were: (1) why is there such little diversity in STEM departments? (2) how does the STEAM Academy help students embrace failure as a critical part of STEAM learning? and (3) how does the STEAM Academy affirm students’ cultural and linguistic identity in STEAM?; c) defining an approach for investigating these questions in the S(TEAM)2 Academy, a 2-week-long summer enrichment program for middle and high school students, and d) the outcome of the implementation of the research, including the changes that occurred to the focus and the current pathway it has led me to.


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