San Diego Law Review
Document Type
Recent Developments
This Article presents an annual synopsis of important events pertaining to the law of the sea which occurred between February 1, 1972, and January 31, 1973. Our major sources of information included the New York Times, the Environmental Reporter, the United States Code Congressional and Administrative News, the Congressional Record, the United Nations Chronicle, and International Legal Materials. It is our hope that the search through a seemingly endless array of indices, newspapers, microfilms, and dusty shelves will prove to be of value. We regret that the synopsis must once again report more problems than solutions, but it is with great optimism that we look to the forthcoming United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea. Perhaps the next synopsis will report some far-reaching accomplishments of that Conference. Finally, we express our sincerest appreciation to Professor H. Gary Knight. His faith in the value of the synopsis has been a great encouragement.
Recommended Citation
G. D. Greenblatt, J. R. Miller & A. J. Waldchen,
Recent Developments in the Law of the Sea IV: A Synopsis,
San Diego L. Rev.
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