San Diego Law Review
Volume 11, Issue 3 (1974) Law of the Sea VI
Editorial Board
Boom, Doom, and Gloom Over The Oceans: The Economic Zone, the Developing Nations, and the Conference on the Law of the Sea
Elisabeth Mann Borgese
The Law of the Sea: Alliances and Divisive Issues in International Ocean Negotiations
Judith Tegger Kildow
The Patrimonial Sea or Economic Zone Concept
Andres Aguilar M.
Venezuela's Contribution to the Contemporary Law of the Sea
Kaldone G. Nweihed
Developing Land-Locked States and the Resources of the Seabed
Marin Ira Glassner
The Wealth of the Oceans and the Law of the Sea: Some Preliminary Observations
Giulio Pontecorvo and Roger Mesznik
Toward Peaceful Settlement of Ocean Space Disputes: A Working Paper
William H. Haubert II
International Law and Radioactive Pollution by Ocean Dumping: "With All Their Genius and with All Their Skill…"
Jack William Hodges
Book Review
Freedom of Oceanic Research. Editied by Warren S. Wooster
Michael J. Weaver
Recent Developments
Recent Developments in the Law of the Sea V: A Synopsis
Dennis Greenwald, Robert Iglow, and Jack Mann