KIPJ Theatre
Session Type
10-minute lightning talk
Start Date
30-4-2019 10:35 AM
End Date
30-4-2019 10:45 AM
privacy, instiuttional repository, outreach, health sciences, Samvera
“Can This Be Redacted? Developing an Institutional Repository and Addressing Privacy Issues” will explore privacy issues in terms of patient health information that have emerged as Oregon Health & Science University expands their institutional repository beyond theses and dissertations. The lighting talk presentation will focus specifically on student projects from the physician assistant program, School of Nursing, and the Northwest Native American Center, a center specifically focused on the health care needs of Native Americans in the U.S. The impact of a migration out of Bepress and into Samvera will also be discussed.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a CC BY License.
Included in
Medical Education Commons, Nursing Commons, Public Health Commons
Lightning Talk: Can This Be Redacted? Developing an Institutional Repository and Addressing Privacy Issues
KIPJ Theatre
“Can This Be Redacted? Developing an Institutional Repository and Addressing Privacy Issues” will explore privacy issues in terms of patient health information that have emerged as Oregon Health & Science University expands their institutional repository beyond theses and dissertations. The lighting talk presentation will focus specifically on student projects from the physician assistant program, School of Nursing, and the Northwest Native American Center, a center specifically focused on the health care needs of Native Americans in the U.S. The impact of a migration out of Bepress and into Samvera will also be discussed.