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Journal of Catholic Education

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Catholic education, teacher attrition, mentorship, coaching, collaboration, teacher training, dual teaching credential, inclusive practices


Educators can improve the academic and socioemotional wellbeing of their students if they are equipped with strategies and skills to support learners and families from diverse backgrounds and experiences—such as culturally and linguistically diverse students, students with differing abilities, and those who may experience trauma and/or socioeconomic challenges. To learn more about this topic, a Catholic university and local diocese partnered to examine the literature on the impact of Catholic teachers in under-resourced schools; practices for training Catholic educators with skills to meet the needs of all learners; and the structures needed to ensure that diocesan and university supervisors are able to effectively support the development of new teachers. The literature review was organized using the three pillars of the University Consortium of Catholic Education: service through teaching, community connections, and spiritual development. The review resulted in the following recommendations: train teachers in culturally responsive practices, incentivize educator collaboration, train supervisors in inclusive practices with purposeful faith-based integration, and mentor principals in effective methods of coaching and support for teachers.

Original Publication Citation

Jez, R. J., Cantillon, J. C., Ramers, L. H., & Burgess, M. M. (2021). As Catholic Schools Become More Diverse, How Should We Prepare New Catholic School Educators for Inclusive Schools? An Analysis of Research on University and Diocesan Teacher Training. Journal of Catholic Education, 24 (2).
