Home > School of Law > Law School Journals > California Regulatory Law Reporter > Vol. 22 > Iss. 1 ()
California Regulatory Law Reporter
Volume 22, Issue 1 (2016)
From 1980 to 2001, the Consumer Protection Policy Center (CPPC) at the Centers for Public Interest Law (CPIL) produced its signature publication, the California Regulatory Law Reporter (CRLR), in hard copy. From mid-2001 through mid-2017, due to increased demands upon CPPC/CPIL and its limited resources, publication of the journal was on hiatus. In mid-2017, publication of the Reporter re-commenced in online journal format.
Although the Reporter was not published during the hiatus years, law student coverage of the agencies monitored during that time period is available for viewing in unedited hard copy format, by appointment at CPPC’s offices. Below is a listing of what agencies were covered, the author of the coverage, and the dates covered. Contact info@cpil.org for more information.