Women in Comics: Off and On the Page.

Start Date

18-7-2022 1:00 PM

End Date

18-7-2022 2:00 PM


Using data gathered from fan-curated and e-commerce websites for comics I have assessed the state of affairs for female writers, pencilers, and protagonists at DC, Image and Marvel comics from 2000-2018. The data was used to identify the percentage of creative credits going to women writers and women pencilers over that time span and the percentage of issues devoted to male, female or ensemble character configurations at each publisher. Additionally, I gauged the gender breakout on issues with women writers or pencilers as compared to the overall output of the publisher that they were working for, including whether the difference was true for both creator-owned titles (such as those at Image Comics) or work-for-hire titles (those at Marvel or DC). Results indicate that hiring of women writers or pencilers and publishing of female-led titles is still far below parity, but that there have been improvements.

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Jul 18th, 1:00 PM Jul 18th, 2:00 PM

Women in Comics: Off and On the Page.

Using data gathered from fan-curated and e-commerce websites for comics I have assessed the state of affairs for female writers, pencilers, and protagonists at DC, Image and Marvel comics from 2000-2018. The data was used to identify the percentage of creative credits going to women writers and women pencilers over that time span and the percentage of issues devoted to male, female or ensemble character configurations at each publisher. Additionally, I gauged the gender breakout on issues with women writers or pencilers as compared to the overall output of the publisher that they were working for, including whether the difference was true for both creator-owned titles (such as those at Image Comics) or work-for-hire titles (those at Marvel or DC). Results indicate that hiring of women writers or pencilers and publishing of female-led titles is still far below parity, but that there have been improvements.