"Homeless Mothers' Perceptions of Parenting in Shelters" by Sarah E. Young Whitaker DNSc, MSN, RN

Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Science

Dissertation Committee

Mary Jo Clark, PhD, RN, Chairperson; Patricia A. Roth, EdD, RN; Susan L. Instone, DNSc, RN, CPNP


families & family life, homelessness, homeless shelters, nursing, parents & parenting, women


Descriptions of parenting in a homeless shelter were obtained from nine single mothers housed in one of two shelters in a major southwestern border metroplex. Case study methodology was used to obtain their perspectives on parenting in this unique context. Content analysis was used to organize and analyze emerging themes. Major themes that emerged from the study were (a) a lack of autonomy, (b) gaining access to material resources, (c) lack of privacy, (d) constant change and insecurity in the environment, (e) differing values, and (e) psychosocial support.

Document Type

Dissertation: Open Access



Included in

Nursing Commons
