"A Case Study Exploring Restraint and Seclusion Use in School-Age Child" by Michelle Buckman PhD

Date of Award


Degree Name

PhD Nursing

Dissertation Committee

Susan L. Instone, DNSc, APRN, CPNP, Chair; Dean Sally Brosz Hardin, PhD, APRN, FAAN; Patricia A. Roth, EdD, MSN, RN


children & youth, Inpatient Psychiatric Unit, nursing, restraints, seclusion


Perceptions of children restrained and secluded (R&S) were explored using Yin's methodology and critical theory. The literature presented reviewed proponent's and opponent's views of the R&S intervention used on inpatient psychiatric units for the containment of violent patients. Despite reports of physical and emotional injury to staff and patient during restraining and secluding children, the intervention is still in use. Using Machover's framework, a semi-structured interview and drawings were used to illicit information from a 12 year old boy about his perceptions of R&S. Then, a presentation of barriers to conducting research is made. Results of the child's perceptions included thematic issues of fear, hurt, a non-therapeutic relationship with nursing, uncertainty and overcoming. Recommendations are made for nursing research, education, practice, and policy development.

Document Type

Dissertation: Open Access



Included in

Nursing Commons
