Date of Award

Spring 5-21-2016

Document Type

Doctor of Nursing Practice Final Manuscript

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice



First Advisor

Joseph Burkard, DNSc, CRNA, Faculty Chairperson

Second Advisor

Scott Nolan, DNP

Third Advisor

MaryJo Clark, PhD, RN


The purpose of this evidence-based practice (EBP) project is to improve the HIV postexposure follow-up (PEFU) rate in healthcare workers (HCWs) through implementation of a revised infection control policy and reminder system. Occupational exposure to HIV is a significant risk for all healthcare workers. In the United States every year, 1 out of 10 U.S. healthcare workers suffers a blood or body fluid exposure (BBFE). Transmission of one serious blood-borne infection can cost more than a million dollars for medications, follow-up laboratory testing, clinical evaluation, lost wages, and disability payments. Completion of HIV PEFU in HCWs is very low nationally. It is estimated only approximately 27-43% of HCWs complete PEFU, even when the source patient is known to be HIV positive. The PEFU adherence rate among HCWs at a southern California medical center was poor, none of the 52 HCWs reporting BBFE in 2013 completed recommended PEFU. Since initiating this EBP project December 2014- June 2015, 100% of employees (N=37) involved in BBFE have completed recommended HIV PEFU.
