Date of Award

Spring 5-22-2021

Document Type

Doctor of Nursing Practice Final Manuscript

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice



First Advisor

Karen "Sue" Hoyt, PhD, RN, FNP-BC, ENP-C, FAEN, FAANP, FAAN



Health policy is in a near constant state of improvement. In order to solidify those improvements, health policy requires assistance from the upcoming generations of healthcare workers to push for those changes. Due to the outdated vaccination policy in the American Nurses Association (ANA), many states continued to issue exemptions based upon unsupported religious preferences. This helped to worsen the outbreak of measles in 2018-2019. The Previous ANA Policy on Vaccinations as of July 21, 2015 stated the ANA supports immunization exemptions only for the following reasons: Medical contraindications and Religious beliefs. Educate and train future health care professionals how to identify, implement and change vaccination policy at a national level. The John Hopkins Nursing Evidenced-Based Practice Model was used as its foundation is based upon quick implementations of change and education. Measles outbreak in 2019 resulting in 1,249 cases and 22 outbreaks. These cases have been linked to the lack of herd immunity and, specifically, the exploitation of religious exemptions. On June 21, 2019 the ANA board assembled and accepted our proposal to remove religious exemptions leaving only medical exemptions. A three-part series of articles was then written and published in the ANA-California magazine discussing this process. Limiting vaccination exemptions will improve herd immunity and improve medical reimbursement. Health policy change will be sought out and less intimidating through educating and guiding future healthcare providers. Healthcare policy is an integral part of the healthcare system. Numerous opportunities for students to improve healthcare policy is lost due to factors such as minimal education and understanding of this process. Healthcare students must feel comfortable and confident to implement health policy change.
