Date of Award

Spring 5-25-2024

Document Type

Doctor of Nursing Practice Final Manuscript

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice



First Advisor

Pedro Colio, PhD, FNP-C


Hypertension (HTN) remains one of the leading causes of premature death. Uncontrolled HTN is known as the “silent killer,” affecting 1.28 billion adults worldwide. Management of this chronic disease requires early detection, intervention, and, most importantly, patient involvement. Recent advancements in Telehealth medicine have identified Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) as an essential avenue in managing HTN. This project aimed to improve patient outcomes by reducing blood pressure readings and emergency room visits. This evidence-based project used the Iowa Model and examined the effects of daily remote blood pressure measurements using the transmission of biometric data using a Bluetooth-operated device linked to patients' cell phones. Adult patients with uncontrolled HTN who met the criteria for RPM were offered the services. Patients must have uncontrolled HTN and be on one or more antihypertensives. A one-on-one education for every patient admitted to the services was conducted between May and June 2023. The staff (nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and physicians) were instructed to follow the 8th Joint National Committee (JNC-8) guideline for managing these patients. One hundred patients 18 years old and older enrolled. This project revealed a significant reduction in blood pressure and emergency room visits. Of patients> over 18 years of age, 92% met the systolic blood pressure goal within six months. Average systolic BP collectively dropped from 153.67 mmHg to 120.58 mmHg, and diastolic BP dropped from 86.48 mmHg to 71.9 mmHg. Emergency room visits dropped from 23% in the pre-intervention group to 7% in the post-intervention group. Healthcare providers can predict patterns, detect drug-related issues, provide timely interventions, reduce HTN complications, and improve patient outcomes using RPM. Keywords: Hypertension, HTN, remote patient monitoring, RPM, uncontrolled HTN, rural community, blood pressure.

Available for download on Sunday, May 04, 2025

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