"Guide to the University of San Diego Cabinet records" by University of San Diego, University of San Diego Office of the President et al.



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The University of San Diego Cabinet records contain meeting minutes, agendas, and other workshop and reference materials created or used by the Cabinet in the course of regular activities from 1974 to 2017. The Cabinet (also sometimes referred to as the University Cabinet or President's Cabinet) serves as an advisory body to the President and the Board of Trustees on institutional affairs. Their meetings cover topics relating to academics, budgeting, strategic plans and mission statements, as well as other administrative matters as needed.

Finding Aids are tools used to aid research by describing the materials in a collection. Special Collections Finding Aids include historical and/or biographical information along with a description of the collection and a folder listing of the content.

To view this collection please email University Archives and Special Collections staff at spcoll@sandiego.edu.

Collection Dates

1974- 2017

Collection Size

7 boxes (7 liner feet)


Catholic colleges and universities, mergers, Advisory boards in higher education, College administrators Selection and appointment, College presidents, Universities and colleges Departments



Finding Aid Publication Date

Summer 8-14-2024

Finding Aid Author

Gabrielle Wood

Guide to the University of San Diego Cabinet records
