"Analyzing the Social Change Model In the Context of Women’s Rights to " by Abigail R. Solnet

Date of Award

Spring 5-22-2017

Document Type

Undergraduate Honors Thesis


Dr. Kenneth Bates


For my Honors Senior Thesis, I analyzed a leadership theory called the Social Change Model. This model was created by Susan Komives, and consists of the “7 Cs” of leadership. These Cs are divided into individual (consciousness of self, congruence, commitment), group (collaboration, common purpose, controversy with civility), and societal/community (citizenship) values. These values are important in creating positive social change.

I applied the Social Change Model to the context of the human right to education. This human right is currently being violated in various areas around the world. Since human rights are intersectional, it is important to look at populations who are marginalized, specifically women. I did a case study to see how the Social Change Model applies to Malala Yousafzai and Emma Watson and their work to advocate for women’s rights to education. I offered insights into how they utilize the values of the Social Change Model, as well as critiques on the limitations of the Social Change Model.

I conducted primary research within the University of San Diego community by hosting a screening of the film “He Named Me Malala” and did surveys to see if people can understand the Social Change Model in the context of this film. Additionally, Emerging Leaders students had the opportunity to write reflection papers about the film, and I used quotes from these papers to demonstrate how students can better understand the Social Change Model through real-life examples. Overall the goal of the research was to better understand the Social Change Model and how it can be applied to the context of women’s rights to education.
