Home > School of Law > Law School Journals > ILJ > Vol. 4 > Iss. 1 (2003)
San Diego International Law Journal
Volume 4, Issue 1 (2003)
Editorial Board
Lead Articles
International Law and the Pre-emptive Use of Force: Afghanistan, Al-Qaida, and Iraq
Christopher Greenwood
Judicial Review and International Law
Michel Troper
Meditating Comparisons, or the Question of Comparative Law
Igor Stramignoni
The Unique Jurisprudence of Letters of Credit: Its Origin and Sources
Gao Xiang and Ross P. Buckley
Politics without Democracy: A Study of the New Principal Officials Accountability in Hong Kong
Christine Loh and Richard Cullen
Will That Be First Class, Business Class, or Pet Class - Changing Legal Trends for the Traveling Pet
Judith R. Karp
The ECHR and States of Emergency: Article 15 - A Domestic Power of Derogation from Human Rights Obligations
Mohamed M. El Zeidy
The Stateless Corporation Finds a Home: Alienage Jurisdiction and Dependent Overseas Territories - J.P. Morgan Chase Bank v. Traffic Stream (BVI) Infrastructure Limited
Michael Cornell Dypski
Affixing Blame: Ideologies of HIV/AIDS in Thailand
Tarik Abdel-Monem
Finding Fundamental Fairness: Protecting the Rights of Homosexuals under European Union Accession Law
Travis J. Langenkamp
"Sinking" the Caroline: Why the Caroline Doctrine's Restrictions on Self-Defense Should Not Be Regarded as Customary International Law
Maria Benvenuta Occelli
Authorization to Kill Terrorist Leaders and Those Who Harbor Them: An International Analysis of Defensive Assassination
Brenda L. Godfrey
Towards a Solution to the Problem of the Common Anadromous Stocks of the North Pacific
Christian C. Polychron