Home > School of Law > Law School Journals > ILJ > Vol. 7 > Iss. 2 (2006)
San Diego International Law Journal
Volume 7, Issue 2 (Spring 2006)
Editorial Board
Public Trust and Political Legitimacy: Conflict of Interests and the Role of the Parliament's Speaker in Israel and Europe
Lior Zemer, Eyal Kimel, and Sharon Pardo
Money Talks: The Influence of Economic Power on the Employment Laws and Policies in the United States and France
Carole A. Scott
The Interrelation between the Law of the Sea Convention and Customary International Law
Martin Lishexian Lee
Litigating Child Recruitment before the Special Court for Sierra Leone
Noah B. Novogrodsky
Brief of the University of Toronto International Human Rights Clinic as Amicus Curiae to the Special Court for Sierra Leone
Noah B. Novogrodsky
The Obligation to Use Force to Stop Acts of Genocide: An Overview of Legal Precedents, Customary Norms, and State Responsibility
Joshua M. Kagan