The Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues
Volume 23, Issue 2 (2022)
Editorial Board
Which Inequalities Matter?
Richard J. Arneson
Money as a Currency of Justice
Aaron James
Inequality of Deservingness
Ariel Jurow Kleiman
Towards an Analysis of Social Hierarchy
Niko Kolodny
The Pedagogy of "Equality"
Sanford Levinson
What Is It For Us To Be Moral Equals? And Does It Matter Much If We're Not?
Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen
Relevance and Equality: An Analytical Account
Pedro Moniz Lopes
Moral Equality?
Michael J. Perry
Goodbye To All That: Three No-Longer-Quite-Contemporary Theories of Equality and Something More Up-To-Date (and Worse)
Maimon Schwarzschild
Morey and Les
George Sher
Luck Egalitarianism and the Spirit of Capitalism
Horacio Spector
Michael Perry and Disproportionate Racial Impact
Larry Alexander
Michael Perry and Human Rights
Andrew Koppelman
Michael Perry, Prophet of Progressive Collapse
Steven D. Smith