2019 Navigating the Future: Making a Difference for Transitioning Service Members and Families
Kim D. Hunt, Mary Jo Schumann, and Lisa Walker
This report, prepared by the Caster Center, is an evaluation of Year 4 of zero8hundred. Zero8hundred is a cross-sector community initiative whose mission is to proactively link transitioning service members and their families to resources and opportunities in the community, helping them successfully transition to civilian life.
2019 Pathways and Intersections in the Military Lifecycle: How San Diego Supports the Military and Veteran Connected Community
Kim D. Hunt, Mary Jo Schumann, and Lisa Walker
This report, prepared by the Caster Center, is an asset mapping and ecosystem project in collaboration with SDMFC and SDVC. This report outlines the military lifecycle and is the result of community conversations throughout San Diego County.
2018 Navigating the Future: Transforming the Transition Experience for Service Members and their Families
Kim D. Hunt, Mary Jo Schumann, and Aya Tore
This report, prepared by the Caster Center, is an evaluation of Year 3 of zero8hundred. Zero8hundred is a cross-sector community initiative whose mission is to proactively link transitioning service members and their families to resources and opportunities in the community, helping them successfully transition to civilian life.
2017 Corporate Playbook for Supporting Military Families
Caster Family Center for Nonprofit and Philanthropic Research, University of San Diego
This report, by Blue Star Families and the Caster Center and sponsored by USAA, examines the unique strengths and challenges of military families, best practices for supporting military families, why your company should support these families, and the steps to begin or strengthen your company's plan to support military families.
2017 zero8hundred's Continuing the Promise of a New Day: Support for Service Members Transitioning to Civilian Life in San Diego
Kim D. Hunt and Mary Jo Schumann
This report, prepared by the Caster Center, is a 2-year evaluation report about zero8hundred. Zero8hundred is a cross-sector community initiative whose mission is to proactively link transitioning service members and their families to resources and opportunities in the community, helping them successfully transition to civilian life.
2016 The Promise of a New Day: Support for Service Members Transitioning to Civilian Life in San Diego
Kim D. Hunt and Mary Jo Schumann
This report highlights the first year program evaluation of zero8hundred, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to proactively link transitioning military families to a broad range of resources, helping them successfully transition to civilian life in San Diego County.
2013 Study on Children of Seriously Wounded Service Members
Mary Jo Schumann, Erika Nash Cameron, Laura Deitrick, George Reed, and Dezaree Doroliat
Over the course of one year, researchers from The Caster Family Center for Nonprofit and Philanthropic at the University of San Diego interviewed a total of 125 participants, including seriously wounded service members, their spouses and children, as well as military, civilian and nonprofit professionals who work with this population. The study included two phases to ensure a comprehensive understanding around the population and its unfulfilled needs: The first phase focused on understanding the specific needs of children of seriously wounded service members through interviews, focus groups, and reviews of existing research; the second phase focused on an assessment of government and nonprofit programs available to identify gaps that exist.
2012 REBOOT Program Evaluation: A Report to the Kisco Foundation
Laura Deitrick, Ian Martin, and Roxanne Ruzic
The Kisco Foundation commissioned researchers at the Center for Education Policy and Law and the Caster Center for Nonprofit and Philanthropic Research at the University of San Diego to work with REBOOT, a nonprofit based in Southern California, to conduct an evaluation of its program, REBOOT WorkshopsTM (REBOOT). REBOOT is a three-week-long program designed to assist members of the military in making the social and career transition from military service to civilian life by “re-booting” their skills, attitudes, and behaviors. The evaluation detailed in this report was conducted during the summer and fall of 2012, two years after the first REBOOT workshop, which was held in June 2010.
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