A Natural Experiment Testing the Role of Specialization in Speciation of Seed Beetles
Marielle Krivit, University of San Diego
Geoffrey Morse PhD, University of San Diego
Affordable Dense Urbanism through Accessory Dwelling Units
Vicenta Martinez Govea, University of San Diego
Daniel López-Pérez PhD, University of San Diego
Janette De Los Santos, University of San Diego
Agricultural Wastewater Reuse for Indirect Potable Reuse
Kendric Clagett, University of San Diego
Frank Jacobitz PhD, University of San Diego
Sabrina Smith, University of San Diego
Chase Minehan, University of San Diego
Koral Braylowski
Yaal Lester PhD, Azrieli College of Engineering in Jerusalem
Airport Runoff and Heavy Metal Accumulation in Sediment and Mussels in San Diego Bay, CA
Samantha Douglass, University of San Diego
Steven Searcy PhD, University of San Diego
Eric Cathcart M.S., University of San Diego
Algal Wracks and Biological Abundance
Davis Luanava, University of San Diego
Drew Talley PhD, University of San Diego
Marisol Palomares, University of San Diego
American Psychiatry and the Pathologizing of Homosexuality during WWII: An Examination of the Impact on US Military, Queer Communities in the Military and Discourses on Masculinity, 1938-1945
Jake Preuit, University of San Diego
Clara Oberle PhD, University of San Diego
Anomalous Transport Across Scales in Crosslinked Actin-Microtubule Composites
Sylas Anderson, University of San Diego
Rae M. Robertson-Anderson PhD, University of San Diego
John Garamella PhD, University of San Diego
Ryan McGorty PhD, University of San Diego
Arsenic Partitioning in Sediments Downgradient from an Abandoned Mine, San Diego
Andrew Barnes, University of San Diego
Beth O'Shea PhD, University of San Diego
Assessment of Ferocactus gatesii Populations in Bahía de los Ángeles using Manual Collection and UAVs
Ilana Rivera Larrea, University of San Diego
Drew Talley PhD, University of San Diego
Darbi Berry M.S., University of San Diego
Rosalía Ávalos Téllez, Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas
Associations between Parenting Style and Five-Factor Personality Traits
Darlene Ngo, University of San Diego
Michael Ichiyama PhD, University of San Diego
Rebeccah M. O'Brien, San Diego State University
Merissa Kado, San Diego State University
V. Robin Weersing PhD, San Diego State University
Judy Gerber
Baseline Assessment of the Proposed Rewild Area in Mission Bay, San Diego, CA
Jorge Saavedra-Alvarado, University of San Diego
Eric Cathcart M.S., University of San Diego
Beach Replenishment and Impacts on Beach Ecosystems
Alisha Ely, University of San Diego
Steven Searcy PhD, University of San Diego
Bibble: A Mobile App aimed to Serve the Needs of Student Life
Joy Olowoniyi, University of San Diego
Charles Pateros PhD, University of San Diego
Tobenna Okunna, University of San Diego
Sebastian Ramirez, University of San Diego
Marcus Rogers, University of San Diego
Jason Knapp
Chicanx Episodic Television and Representation
Ivonne Ramirez, University of San Diego
Kristin Moran PhD, University of San Diego
Cigarette Recycling Program Proposal to Reduce Environmental Impact of Cigarette Butts at SAN
Vanessa Vlasak, University of San Diego
Eric Cathcart M.S., University of San Diego
Paula Morreale, University of San Diego
Committing to College Readiness from Middle School and Beyond: A Case Study of a College Preparatory Middle School
Tatiana Zamora, University of San Diego
Victoria Christina Rodriguez PhD, University of San Diego
Comparing Degradation Rates of Biodegradable Materials in a Composting Environment
Nicole Eichelman, University of San Diego
Eric Cathcart M.S., University of San Diego
Katharine Mathews, University of San Diego
Comparison of Plantar Pressure of Different Prosthetic Feet in Able-Bodied Volunteers Simulating Active Foot Amputees during Locomotion
Jacqueline Puga, University of San Diego
Bryan Cornwall PhD, University of San Diego
Rebeca Reyes Sicairos, University of San Diego
Aurora Alvarado González, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Daily Otolith Growth Ring Validation in the California killifish, Fundulus parvipinnis
Emily Andrade, University of San Diego
Drew Talley PhD, University of San Diego
Differences in Undergraduate Drinking Motives and Alcohol Involvement as Influenced by Gender and Neuroticism
Jaymi Wilson, University of San Diego
Stephen Pearlberg, University of San Diego
Dissolved Uranium in the Groundwaters of the Western Peninsular Ranges Batholith, San Diego County, California
Alícia Kelley, University of San Diego
Zhi-Yong Yin PhD, University of San Diego
Scott Snyder, University of San Diego
Eric Cathcart M.S., University of San Diego
Does Urbanization Promote Invasive Species?
Rachel Parker, University of San Diego
Geoffrey Morse PhD, University of San Diego
Effects of Medial Entorhinal Cortex Lesions in Rats on the Traveling Salesman Problem
Larissa Olivas, University of San Diego
Jena B. Hales PhD, University of San Diego
Victoria Cendejas, University of San Diego
Rachel Blaser PhD, University of San Diego
EA Petty
Effects of Temporal Delay on Memory
Brittany Bosko, University of San Diego
Stephen Pearlberg, University of San Diego
Exploring the Relationship between Instagram Appearance Anxiety and Related Constructs
Stephanie Misko, University of San Diego
Stephen Pearlberg, University of San Diego
Factors Influencing the Distribution of Fecal Bacteria in Stormwater in the City of San Diego
Ioana Tcholakova, University of San Diego
Zhi-Yong Yin PhD, University of San Diego
Annica Ly, University of San Diego
Factors of Water-Use Efficiency Represented by Leaf Carbon-13/Carbon-12 Isotope Ratios among Pine and Fir Species in the Lake Tahoe Basin
Angelina Ghilotti, University of San Diego
Zhi-Yong Yin PhD, University of San Diego
Patricia Maloney, University of San Diego
Camille Jensen, University of San Diego
Aaron Vanderpool
FDI and Portfolio Flow Drivers
Sami Zaia, University of San Diego
Ryan Ratcliff PhD, University of San Diego
Full Genome Sequencing Shows Evidence of Regional Pathogen Diversity in Agraulis vanillae nucleopolyhedrovirus (AgvaNPV)
Savannah Shields, University of San Diego
Arietta Fleming-Davies PhD, University of San Diego
Halon: Tower Defense
Thaddeus Steele, University of San Diego
Charles Pateros PhD, University of San Diego
Jobe Soffa Clarke, University of San Diego
Karston Kelly, University of San Diego
Parth Bansal, University of San Diego
Head Impact Tracking Sensor
Chris Reese, University of San Diego
Bryan Cornwall PhD, University of San Diego
Nolan Bisogno, University of San Diego
David Hunt, University of San Diego
Victoria Klazura, University of San Diego
Venkat Shastri PhD, University of San Diego
Heavy Metal Absorbance and Proximity to Fresh Water Inputs by Arcuatula senhousia in Mission Bay
Juan Pablo Chavez, University of San Diego
Eric Cathcart M.S., University of San Diego
Hong Kong 1920-1984: Conflicted Identity and Race to Revolution
Graham Hendrick, University of San Diego
Yi Sun PhD, University of San Diego
How Extreme is Specialization in Seed-Feeding Beetles when their Hosts are Poisonous?
Megan Priest, University of San Diego
Geoffrey Morse PhD, University of San Diego
Hydra Hunters: Community Outreach and Exploration with Citizen Science
Catherine Tan, University of San Diego
Callen Hyland PhD, University of San Diego
Kimberly Sladek, University of San Diego
Impact of Rainfall during El Nino Years on the Presence of Bacteria in Urban Stormwater on the Coastal Waters of San Diego
Jake Ohlendorf, University of San Diego
Zhi-Yong Yin PhD, University of San Diego
Jacob Rollins, University of San Diego
Impact of Religiosity on Prosocial Behavior
Michael Apostol, University of San Diego
Rebekah Wanic PhD, University of San Diego
Impacts of Climate Change on Intertidal Communities: Effects of Elevated Temperature and Predator Exposure on Chthamalus fissus
Elizabeth Bushnell, University of San Diego
Nathalie Reyns PhD, University of San Diego
Industrial Wastewater Analysis and Treatment for Direct Crop Irrigation
Chad Bear, University of San Diego
Frank Jacobitz PhD, University of San Diego
Joseph Becerra, University of San Diego
Mychael Meier, University of San Diego
Lidori Edri, University of San Diego
Yaal Lester PhD, Azrieli College of Engineering in Jerusalem
Industrial Wastewater Restoration
Alec Dachs, University of San Diego
Frank Jacobitz PhD, University of San Diego
Kyle Davis, University of San Diego
Brandon Kennedy, University of San Diego
Nadeem Ibrahim, University of San Diego
Yaal Lester PhD, Azrieli College of Engineering in Jerusalem
Investigating the Relationship Between Legal/ Demographic Factors and Decisions to Transfer Minors to Adult Court
Emily Bomberger, University of San Diego
Nadav Goldschmied PhD, University of San Diego
Ally Ramona, University of San Diego
Movement and Dispersion Patterns of Aggregating Leopard Sharks (Triakis semifasciata) off San Diego, California
Annabel Gong, University of San Diego
Andrew Nosal PhD, University of San Diego
Municipal Wastewater for Indirect Potable Reuse
Matteo Hernandez, University of San Diego
Frank Jacobitz PhD, University of San Diego
Julia Mahroos, University of San Diego
Mira Wiley, University of San Diego
Nadav Shpiegler
Yaal Lester PhD, Azrieli College of Engineering in Jerusalem
NMR Structural Studies of DNA Duplexes Containing Unnatural Base Pairs: dNaM-d5SICS,dNaM-dTPT3, and dCNMO-dTPT3
Kodi Thurber, University of San Diego
Tammy Dwyer PhD, University of San Diego
Dana Rosansky, University of San Diego
Caroline Uhlig, University of San Diego
Marissa Patterson, University of San Diego
Scott Kilcoyne, University of San Diego
Charlotte Infante
John Woodward
Nuvve Mobile App
Rory Abraham, University of San Diego
John Horn, University of San Diego
Michael Dana, University of San Diego
Althea Fastidio, University of San Diego
Calvin Ferraro PhD, University of San Diego
Jay Kunin PhD, University of San Diego
Observing Colloidal Fluids in Shear Flow Using Custom Light-Sheet Microscopy
Jing Wang, University of San Diego
Ryan McGorty PhD, University of San Diego
Perceptions and Misperceptions: College Students with Down Syndrome
Zia Yurchuck, University of San Diego
Stephen Pearlberg, University of San Diego
Pharmaceutical Effects of Ketamine on Rat Performance in the Traveling Salesperson Task
Alexandra Unapanta, University of San Diego
Rachel Blaser PhD, University of San Diego
Chloe Dennis, University of San Diego
Charlotte Lee, University of San Diego
Pharmacological Manipulation of HEG1-KRIT1 Protein Complex Modulates Endothelial Vasoprotective Functions through Expression of KFL4/2
Antonio Rojas, University of San Diego
Alex Gingras Dr., University of California, San Diego
Post-World War II Manga in Japan: Pluralities of Memory and the Construction of a New Peaceful Identity
Bethany Harris, University of San Diego
Yi Sun PhD, University of San Diego
Quantifying the Consumption of Algal Wrack with Dry Weight Analysis
Rob Elsensohn, University of San Diego
Drew Talley PhD, University of San Diego
Marisol Palomares, University of San Diego
Reactions of the California and Kuroshio Currents to El Niño Events
Allie Doherty, University of San Diego
Zhi-Yong Yin PhD, University of San Diego
Recycling Agricultural Wastewater for Direct Crop Irrigation
Diane Castellanos, University of San Diego
Frank Jacobitz PhD, University of San Diego
Amit Hazut, University of San Diego
Victoria Klazura, University of San Diego
Mireya Roberto, University of San Diego
Yaal Lester PhD, Azrieli College of Engineering in Jerusalem
Red Shirt Color has no Effect on Winning in the English Premier League
Angela Haddad, University of San Diego
Nadav Goldschmied PhD, University of San Diego
Shakira Trejo, University of San Diego
Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Storm Water from Rose Creek, Tecolote Creek, and Mission Bay
Tyler Fields, University of San Diego
Zhi-Yong Yi PhD, University of San Diego
Sedimentation in the Tijuana River Estuary (TRE) and its Relationship to Urbanization in the Watershed
Molly Dolan, University of San Diego
Suzanne Walther PhD, University of San Diego
Short-Term Impact on the Hawaiian Humpback Whale
Hope McLaughlin, University of San Diego
Eric Cathcart M.S., University of San Diego
Simulation of Flow over a Roughness Element
Ian Sysyn, University of San Diego
Frank Jacobitz PhD, University of San Diego
Patrick Bonner, University of San Diego
Simultaneous Collisions in Various Numbers of Dimensions
Christopher Currie, University of San Diego
Lukasz Pruski PhD, University of San Diego
Devin Villalpando, University of San Diego
Gina Aguirre, University of San Diego
Single-Use Plastics: Is this an Issue that can be Solved through Legislation?
Shane Hadley, University of San Diego
Eric Cathcart M.S., University of San Diego
Soccer Fandom Impacting Hiring Decisions
Ines Noel, University of San Diego
Nadav Goldschmied PhD, University of San Diego
Joseph Achwill, University of San Diego
Stories of Transition: Refugee Youth and Their Transition into U.S. K-12 Education
Jesse Magaña, University of San Diego
Greg Prieto PhD, University of San Diego
Student-Parent Relationships and Academic Success
Yarissa Valdez, University of San Diego
Jonathan Bowman PhD, University of San Diego
Synthesis of a Ligand for Enantioselective Catalysis
Valeria Reyes, University of San Diego
Christopher Daley PhD, University of San Diego
The Accuracy of Undergraduate Memory of the Columbine School Shooting
Julia Malkiewicz, University of San Diego
Nadav Goldschmied PhD, University of San Diego
Olivia Hays, University of San Diego
Camille Roth, University of San Diego
Kelly Perreault
The Development of a Remediation Approach for the Removal of Bacteria and Toxic Metals for Use in Rural Uganda
Christina Kozlovsky, University of San Diego
Frank Jacobitz PhD, University of San Diego
Ava Belizzi, University of San Diego
Molly Klein, University of San Diego
Ariel Shasha, University of San Diego
Liron Kanisberg, University of San Diego
Yaal Lester PhD, Azrieli College of Engineering in Jerusalem
Bryan Cornwall PhD, University of San Diego
Martha Fuller PhD, University of San Diego
Keith Macdonald, University of San Diego
James Bolender PhD, University of San Diego
The Effect of Ethanol on Zebrafish Behavior
Rachel Alef, University of San Diego
Rachel Blaser PhD, University of San Diego
The Effect of Marine Snow Particle Distribution on Copepod Behavior
Elena Beckhaus, University of San Diego
Jennifer Prairie PhD, University of San Diego
Maya Young, University of San Diego
Moria Décima
The False Frontier: Neocolonial Nostalgia in the Outer Space Imaginary
Nicholas Cohn, University of San Diego
Atreyee Phukan PhD, University of San Diego
The Halo: Integrating Mathematics and Creativity
Kelli Kufta, University of San Diego
Diane Hoffoss PhD, University of San Diego
Sean Hough, University of San Diego
The Presence of Microplastics Offshore of Southern California
Rachel Sarner, University of San Diego
Sarah Gray PhD, University of San Diego
The Socioeconomic Effects of Aquaculture on Wild-Caught Freshwater Ornamental Fisheries
Thomas Oh, University of San Diego
Nathalie Reyns PhD, University of San Diego
Scott Dowd, University of San Diego
The Use of SPR to Probe HMGB1 Binding Interactions with Cell Clearance Molecules
Elizabeth Wade, University of San Diego
Anthony J. Bell Jr. PhD, University of San Diego
Payson Broome, University of San Diego
Jonah Halsell, University of San Diego
Daniel Ghebreigziabher, University of San Diego
Brandon Kennedy, University of San Diego
Rico Monge PhD, University of San Diego
Tobago Wind Turbine
Julia Mahroos, University of San Diego
Odesma Dalrymple PhD, University of San Diego
Tracking the Population of White Sharks, Carcharodon carcharias, in South African Waters
Michael Darby, University of San Diego
Nathalie Reyns PhD, University of San Diego
Using Appropriate Technology Principles in the Design of a Remediation Device for the Removal of Bacteria and Toxic Metals for Use in Rural Uganda
Ava Bellizzi, University of San Diego
Frank Jacobitz PhD, University of San Diego
Christina Kozlovsky, University of San Diego
Variations in Zooplankton Biodiversity Across the Sargasso Sea
Samantha Ahlman, University of San Diego
Jennifer Prairie PhD, University of San Diego
Abigail Kwiat, University of San Diego
Andrew Meashaw, University of San Diego