
If you have ever been snowboarding before, you know how uncomfortable and painful your front ankle can feel while on a chairlift, or having to push sideways in flat areas. Most of the time it can even cause pain in your knee and ankle. And worst case scenario you go off trail and get hurt somewhere where GPS can’t find you. Well if you have ever been in either situation or want to be safe on the slopes, we have the solution for you. Here at lift switch, we have created a solution to snowboarders ankle by allowing 90 degrees of rotation so the board can hang like a ski and you can ride it like a skateboard when you’re not on a run. At the same time, we have included a real time data tracking system that uses IMU technology and a user interface where you can track your data and share it with friends from the slopes. We hope to improve the snowboarding experience with built in safety features so you can always be tracked on the slopes wherever you are regardless of GPS connection.


Faculty Mentor: Venkat Shastri



Lift Switch

If you have ever been snowboarding before, you know how uncomfortable and painful your front ankle can feel while on a chairlift, or having to push sideways in flat areas. Most of the time it can even cause pain in your knee and ankle. And worst case scenario you go off trail and get hurt somewhere where GPS can’t find you. Well if you have ever been in either situation or want to be safe on the slopes, we have the solution for you. Here at lift switch, we have created a solution to snowboarders ankle by allowing 90 degrees of rotation so the board can hang like a ski and you can ride it like a skateboard when you’re not on a run. At the same time, we have included a real time data tracking system that uses IMU technology and a user interface where you can track your data and share it with friends from the slopes. We hope to improve the snowboarding experience with built in safety features so you can always be tracked on the slopes wherever you are regardless of GPS connection.


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