San Diego Law Review
Volume 12, Issue 1 (1974) Class Actions
Editorial Board
The Effects of Eisen IV and Proposed Amendments of Federal Rule 23
Sidney B. Jacoby and Michael G. Cherkasky
The Consumer Class Action: An Endangered Species
Peter H. Schuck and Marsha N. Cohen
Challenging Certification of a Class Action: A Hypothetical
Robert G. Cutler and James P. Feeney
Is the Citizen Suit a Substitute for the Class Action in Environmental Litigation? An Examination of the Clean Air Act of 1970 Citizen Suit Provision
Gabriel N. Steinberg
Under the Portcullis and Inside the Golden Castle: American Pipe & Construction Co. v. Utah
Douglas C. Holland
The Progressive Transformation of Class Actions in California
Marco A. Famiglietti