San Diego Law Review
Volume 15, Issue 3 (1978) Law of the Sea X
Editorial Board
H. Gary Knight
A Constitution for the Oceans: Comments and Suggestions Regarding Part XI of the Informal Composite Negotiating Text
Elisabeth Mann Borgese
Custom and Land-Based Pollution of the High Seas
James E. Hickey Jr.
Different Approaches to International Regulation of Exploitation of Deep-Ocean Ferromanganese Nodules
F. L. La Que
Significant Fishery Management Issues in the Law of the Sea Conference: Illusions and Realities
Farin Mirvahabi
Legal Claims to Newly Emerged Islands
Jimmy L. Verner Jr.
Controlling "Pirate" Broadcasting
Mitchell J. Hanna
The Innocent Passage of Warships in Foreign Territorial Seas: A Threatened Freedom
Lawrence Wayne Kaye
Territorial Status of Deepwater Ports
Gordon Earl Dunfee
Cultural Resources Preservation and Underwater Archaeology: Some Notes on the Current Legal Framework and a Model Underwater Antiquities Statute
James Kevin Meenan