San Diego Law Review
Volume 17, Issue 2 (1980)
Editorial Board
Supplementation of Discovery Responses in Federal Civil Procedure
William R. Slomanson
Articles 3 and 4 of the Uniform Commercial Code in an Electronic Fund Transfer Environment
James V. Vergari
Reflections on Convenience Translations: A Reply to Professor Brooks
William K.S. Wang
42 U.S.C. 1985(3) - A Private Action to Vindicate Fourteenth Amendment Rights: A Paradox Resolved
Stephanie M. Wildman
Solar Energy in California: A Case for the Sun
Stephen M. Blum
Piercing the Doctrine of Corporate Hospital Liability
James B. Cohoon
Local Attempts to Ban Discrimination in Rental Housing against Families with Children: Avoiding the Preemption Barrier
Cynthia Glancy
Criminal Jurisdiction over Foreign Corporations: The Application of a Minimum Contracts Theory
David James Homsey
Paleface, Redskin, and the Great White Chiefs in Washington: Drawing the Battle Lines over Western Water Rights
Belinda K.S. Orem
People v. Drew - Will California's New Insanity Test Ensure a More Accurate Determination of Insanity?
Paul K. Traficante