San Diego Law Review
Volume 17, Issue 3 (1980) Law of the Sea XII
Editorial Board
Introduction: Law of the Sea
Bernardo Zuleta
Post World War II Multilateral Treaty-Making: The Task of the Third United Nations Law of the Sea Conference in Perspective
John King Gamble Jr.
Toward a Principled Approach to the Distribution of Global Wealth: An Impartial Solution to the Dispute over Seabed Manganese Nodules
Frederick Arnold
Global Conservation and Management of Marine Mammals
James A.R. Nafzinger
Ixtoc I: A Test for the Emerging Concept of the Patrimonial Sea
Alan T. Leonhard
Offshore Petroleum Exploitation and Environmental Protection: The International and Norwegian Response
Kenneth G. Roberts
Recent Developments in the Law of the Sea 1978-1979
Henry Heater and James McMullen