San Diego Law Review
Volume 19, Issue 3 (1982) Law of the Sea XIV
Editorial Board
Law of the Sea: Expression of Solidarity
Milner S. Ball
UNCLOS III: A Flawed Treaty
Doug Bandow
"Common Heritage" v." Freedom of the High Seas": Which Governs the Seabed?
Jon Van Dyke and Christopher Yuen
Law of the Sea: Navigation and Other Traditional National Security Considerations
Elliott L. Richardson
The Dispute Settlement Provisions of the Convention on the Law of the Sea: Critique and Alternatives to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
Marianne P. Gaertner
The U.S. Deep Seabed Mining Regulations: The Legal Basis for an Alternative Regime
Michael R. Molitor
Recent Developments in the Law of the Sea 1980-1981
Bernice R. Klied