San Diego Law Review
Volume 22, Issue 4 (1985) Law of the Sea XVII
Editorial Board
Management of Large Marine Ecosystems: Developing a New Rule of Customary International Law
Martin H. Belsky
The Legal Character of the Right to Explore and Exploit the Natural Resources of the Continental Shelf
F. V.W. Penick
Assessing the Reality of the Deep Seabed Regime
John King Gamble Jr.
Freedom of Fisheries Research in the U. S. in the Best Interest of the United States
William L. Sullivan Jr.
Korean Airline Flight 007: Stalemate in International Aviation Law- A Proposal for Enforcement
Jeffrey D. Laveson
The Legal Implications of United States Policy toward Nicaragua: A Machiavellian Dilemma
Keith T. Schulz
Watchout Watchmen! Congress Has Excluded Security Employees from "Maritime Employment" Coverage under the Longshore and Harborworkers' Compensation Act Amendments of 1984
Kenneth J. Witherspoon
Recent Developments in the Law of the Sea 1983-1984
John A. Clemons