San Diego Law Review
Volume 40, Issue 4 (2003) Symposium: Baselines and Counterfactuals in the Theory of Compensatory Damages: What Do Compensatory Damages Compensate?
Editorial Board
Symposium Articles
Editorial Board
Hand Rule Damages for Incompensable Losses
Robert Cooter
Instrumental Theories of Compensation: A Survey
Richard Craswell
Moore, Causation, Counterfactuals, and Responsibility
Richard Fumerton
Harm, History, and Counterfactuals
Stephen Perry
Rethinking Injury and Proximate Cause
John C.P. Goldberg
Baselines and Compensation
F.M. Kamm
Compensation and Revenge
Emily Sherwin
Compensation: Justice or Revenge?
Kenneth W. Simons
The Grounds and Extent of Legal Responsibility
Richard W. Wright
A Pertinent Message for Today from Key Constitutional and Administrative Rulings of Yesterday
Victor G. Rosenblum
Dramatic Decreases in Clarity: Using the Penn Central Analysis to Solve the Tahoe-Sierra Controversy
Dana Larkin