Publication Date
Spring 5-5-2018
Document Type
Action research project: USD users only.
Degree Name
MA Higher Education Leadership
Leadership Studies
The purpose of this study was to explore and understand why students are not involved at the University of San Diego (USD). My research question is: How can I help the Student Leadership Involvement and Changemaking (SLIC) better understand the experiences of students who are uninvolved at USD? Participants for this study included involved and uninvolved students at USD. After conducting this research and learning more about students’ involvement experiences, I have strengthened my professional practice in designing, programming and/or changing a structure of our department to make it more engaging and welcoming to students. Understanding some of the students’ involvement experiences at USD helped create recommendations for restructuring involvement initiatives such as the Involvement Consultant (IC) program, the Alcalá Bazaar, as well as the promotion of events and extracurricular activities around campus.
Digital USD Citation
Sabano, Rama, "Understanding the Experiences of Students Identified as Uninvolved at the University of San Diego" (2018). M.A. in Higher Education Leadership: Action Research Projects. 7.