Submit Your Work
Most research can be submitted electronically. Click on the appropriate link below to submit your research. Don't see your department? Contact the Digital Initiatives Librarian at to have your department included.
- Center for Educational Excellence
- USD Just Read! Student Essay/Art Contest
- College of Arts and Sciences
- Asian Studies
- Department of Anthropology
- Department of Art, Architecture + Art History
- Department of Biology
- Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Department of Communication Studies
- Department of English
- Department of Environmental and Ocean Sciences
- Department of Ethnic Studies
- Department of History
Department of Languages, Cultures and Literatures
- French and Francophone Studies
- Italian and Italian Studies
- Spanish
- Department of Mathematics
- Department of Music
Department of Philosophy
- Philosophy: Faculty Scholarship
- Philosophy: Student Scholarship & Creative Works
- Department of Physics and Biophysics
- Department of Political Science and International Relations
- Department of Psychological Sciences
Department of Sociology
- Student Scholarship & Creative Works
- Department of Theatre
- Department of Theology and Religious Studies
- Copley Library
- Annual Bibliography of USD Scholarship
- "Celebrate Copley!" Grand Opening Video Contest
- Comic Studies and Practices Symposium
- Copley Connects Library Newsletter
- Copley Library Brochures
- Copley Library: Faculty Scholarship
- Copley Library Undergraduate Research Awards
- Digital Initiatives Symposium
- Humanities Center
- Keck Undergraduate Humanities Research Fellows
- Journal of Technology in Counselor Education and Supervision
- Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice
- Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice: Faculty Scholarship
- Kroc IPJ Research and Resources
- Learning Design Center
- Learning Design Center: Staff Scholarship
- Lindsay J. Cropper Creative Writing Contest
- Office of Sponsored Programs
- Research Month
- San Diego Lowrider Archival Project
- Film: Everything Comes from the Streets
- Student Essays on the San Diego Lowrider Archival Project
- School of Business
- School of Business: Faculty Scholarship
- School of Business: Student Scholarship
- School of Engineering
- School of Engineering: Faculty Scholarship
- School of Engineering: Student Scholarship
- School of Law
- Law Faculty Scholarship
- Law School Archives
Law School Centers
- Center for Corporate and Securities Law
- Center for Health Law Policy and Bioethics
- Centers for Public Interest Law
- Institute on Law and Philosophy
- Law School Journals
- Law Student Publications
- Law Student Scholarship
- School of Leadership and Education Sciences
- Center for Embodied Equity and Neurodiversity (CEEN)
- Center for Restorative Justice
- School of Leadership and Education Sciences: Faculty Scholarship
- School of Leadership and Education Sciences: Student Scholarship & Creative Works
- School of Nursing and Health Science
- Doctor of Nursing Practice Final Manuscripts
- School of Nursing and Health Science: Faculty Scholarship
- School of Nursing and Health Science: Student Scholarship
- School of Peace Studies
- School of Peace Studies: Faculty Scholarship
- Vietnamese America
- Theses and Dissertations
- Dissertations
- Theses
- Undergraduate Honors Theses
- TRIO/Institute of College Initiatives
- McNair Summer Research Program