Rotunda / Garden of the Sea
Session Type
Start Date
2-5-2017 2:45 PM
End Date
2-5-2017 3:25 PM
Copyright, terms of use, Creative Commons licenses, newspapers, digital archive, Catholic News Archive
In this poster, I discuss how the Catholic Research Resources Alliance (CRRA) approached issues of copyright, licensing and terms of use for the Catholic News Archive. Implemented in summer 2016, the Archive provides online access to a full text, aggregated digital collection Catholic newspapers and is the only collection like it in existence. Our goal is to have a digital collection as openly accessible as possible, licensed under a Creative Commons license in concert with the interests of libraries, archives, publishers, scholars, funding agencies and other stakeholders. We needed to learn how views of stakeholders are similar or different, what copyrights are in place for the materials in hand, and what the federal courts have ruled on copyright permissions needed for creating digital collections of collective works so as to reach mutually agreeable terms under which publishers will grant permissions to use their works. Many digital collections include works in the public domain as well as works under copyright which adds to the challenge of writing reader-friendly terms of use. Finally, we addressed ownership of the digital files in determining appropriate and satisfactory terms of use for all stakeholders. The licenses and terms of use were drafted by an intellectual property attorney for CRRA and revised based on discussions with many parties, including CRRA members, experts in the library community, directors of other state and national digital collections, and especially with the partners who would be providing content and/or permissions to make the content available in the Archive.
Included in
Determining copyright, licensing and terms of use for a digital newspaper collection: the Catholic News Archive
Rotunda / Garden of the Sea
In this poster, I discuss how the Catholic Research Resources Alliance (CRRA) approached issues of copyright, licensing and terms of use for the Catholic News Archive. Implemented in summer 2016, the Archive provides online access to a full text, aggregated digital collection Catholic newspapers and is the only collection like it in existence. Our goal is to have a digital collection as openly accessible as possible, licensed under a Creative Commons license in concert with the interests of libraries, archives, publishers, scholars, funding agencies and other stakeholders. We needed to learn how views of stakeholders are similar or different, what copyrights are in place for the materials in hand, and what the federal courts have ruled on copyright permissions needed for creating digital collections of collective works so as to reach mutually agreeable terms under which publishers will grant permissions to use their works. Many digital collections include works in the public domain as well as works under copyright which adds to the challenge of writing reader-friendly terms of use. Finally, we addressed ownership of the digital files in determining appropriate and satisfactory terms of use for all stakeholders. The licenses and terms of use were drafted by an intellectual property attorney for CRRA and revised based on discussions with many parties, including CRRA members, experts in the library community, directors of other state and national digital collections, and especially with the partners who would be providing content and/or permissions to make the content available in the Archive.