Developing Applied Projects Collections in an Institutional Repository: Challenges & Benefits


Rotunda / Garden of the Sea

Session Type


Start Date

2-5-2017 2:45 PM

End Date

2-5-2017 3:25 PM


Applied Projects, Capstone Projects, Student Scholarship, Institutional Repository, Collaboration, Metadata, Copyright, Collection Development


While PhD dissertations are typically accessible as part of a university library’s general collection, or as content within a proprietary database, many other terminal degree projects remain invisible and inaccessible to a greater audience. Over the past year and a half, librarians at Arizona State University collaborated with faculty and departmental administrators across a variety of fields to develop and create institutional repository collections that highlight and authoritatively share this type of student scholarship with schools, researchers, and future employers. This poster will present the benefits, challenges, and considerations required to successfully implement and manage these collections of applied final projects or capstone projects. Specifically, issues related to metadata consistency, faculty buy-in, and developing an ingest process, as well as benefits related to increased visibility and improved educational and employment opportunities will be discussed. This interactive presentation will also discuss lessons learned from the presenter’s experiences in context of how they can be easily applied by librarians and digital archivists to benefit their respective institutions.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a CC BY License.


May 2nd, 2:45 PM May 2nd, 3:25 PM

Developing Applied Projects Collections in an Institutional Repository: Challenges & Benefits

Rotunda / Garden of the Sea

While PhD dissertations are typically accessible as part of a university library’s general collection, or as content within a proprietary database, many other terminal degree projects remain invisible and inaccessible to a greater audience. Over the past year and a half, librarians at Arizona State University collaborated with faculty and departmental administrators across a variety of fields to develop and create institutional repository collections that highlight and authoritatively share this type of student scholarship with schools, researchers, and future employers. This poster will present the benefits, challenges, and considerations required to successfully implement and manage these collections of applied final projects or capstone projects. Specifically, issues related to metadata consistency, faculty buy-in, and developing an ingest process, as well as benefits related to increased visibility and improved educational and employment opportunities will be discussed. This interactive presentation will also discuss lessons learned from the presenter’s experiences in context of how they can be easily applied by librarians and digital archivists to benefit their respective institutions.