Central Region

Design of the New Building of the Pontifîcal Gregorian University. Donations for the new building of the Pontifical Gregorian University will be received by the Rector – Via del Seminario, 120 – Rome (19). Autograph Letter of his Holiness Pope Pius XI – April 7th 1925 «With the indelible recollection and the deep affection of an old Alumnus We have ever followed the steady progress of Our Gregorian University, the fruitful Mother of so many worthy Pastors and distinguished Teachers in the Church of God, and it is Our intention with Apostolic solicitude to further this progress to the best of Our power. Aware of its urgent need of a more spacious and more dignified building We approved a scheme worthy of this truly Catholic centre of higher ecclesiastical studies for so many select students of great hope for the Church who flock to it in ever increasing numbers from well nigh every part of the world. Now that the foundation stone has been blessed by his Eminence, the Cardinal Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Seminary and University Studies, it is Our earnest desire that the new building rise with the least possible delay. To this end, while full of confidence We express Our entire satisfaction at this noble and courageous enterprise, We Ourselves propose to give such aid as the circumstances of the Holy See permit, and We address a most fervent appeal to the generosity of as many as can possibly contribute to a work which means so much for the glory of God and the universal good of the Church. As in due course We shall with special pleasure come to know the names of the Benefactors, to them and to all who by prayer or by work shall hasten on the realisation [sic] of Our desire, with all Our heart We impart the Apostolic Blessing. Pius PP. XI».
Physical Description
One black and white postcard with a divided back. The postcard features artwork by G. & M. of Rome.
Language of Postcard
Italy–Lazio Region–Rome Province–Rome
G. & M.
Date Issued
Object Type
Object Size
14 X 09 cm
Original Collection
San Diego College for Women Postcard Collection
Digital Collection
Italian Postcard Collection
Digital Publisher
University of San Diego, Copley Library
Collection Number
Date Digitized
Image Format
Special Collection. Copley Library, University of San Diego
Image File Location
Cop-Darc\Postcards\Italy\Central Italy\Lazio\Lazio-129A
Image File Size
203 KB
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Rome (Italy), Pontificia Università gregoriana, Colleges & universities