Dissertations from 2003
Dissertation: Open Access: Goddesses in the Union: A Qualitative Study of Women in Leadership Positions in College and University Union Settings, Susan H. Payment EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Instructional Leadership in Guam's Public Elementary Schools, Evangeline Quitugua San Nicolas EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: An Analysis of the Benefits of an MBA Degree as Reported by a Diverse Graduate Population of a Southwestern University, Stephani Richards-Wilson EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Perceptions of Principal Effectiveness and Teacher Morale: A Study of Public Secondary School Teachers on Guam, Michelle M.S. Santos EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Exploring Teachers' Experiences with the Colonial Williamsburg Teacher Institute, Emily M. Schell EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: W. E. B. Du Bois's “Talented Tenth”: A Pioneering Conception of Transformational Leadership, Ella F. Sloan EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Employee Receptivity to Three Hundred Sixty Degree Feedback Systems as a Function of Employee Trust and Employee Commitment: An Exploratory Study, Gregory G. Stump EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Leadership Behaviors and Communication Satisfaction: Community Colleges in Micronesia, Julie M. Ulloa-Heath EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Justifying Coercion: Nurses' Experiences Medicating Involuntary Psychiatric Patients, Paula K. Vuckovich PhD, RN
Dissertations from 2002
Dissertation: Open Access: A Model Health-Related Elementary Physical Education Program for Saipan: Teachers' Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices, Kurt C. Barnes EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Veteran Teacher Perceptions of the Grossmont Model of Peer Assistance and Review. Is it a Viable Alternative to Traditional Evaluation?, Edwin L. Basilio EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Resilience: The Lived Experience of Elderly Widowers Following the Death of a Spouse, Dorothy Battersby Crummy PhD, MSN, RN
Dissertation: Open Access: Collaborative Leadership in Middle Schools and Teacher Job Satisfaction: A Search for Relationships, A. Greg Bowden EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Role Perceptions of School Nurses Who Work with Medically Fragile Students, Cay Chapman Casey PhD
Dissertation: Open Access: Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction of Repatriated Managers, Michael A. Duoto EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Getting Back: Successful Rehabilitation after a Hip Fracture, Carole Florek Hair PhD, MS, RN
Dissertation: Open Access: The Development of the Tavistock and Tavistock-Inspired Group Relations Movement in Great Britain and the United States: A Comparative and Historical Perspective, Amy L. Fraher EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Development of the Postpartum Smoking Questionnaire (PPSQ), Cynthia J. Gantt PhD, MSN, C-FNP, RN
Dissertation: Open Access: Aircrew Adaptive Decision Making: A Cross-Case Analysis, Constance Ann Gillan EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: The Development and Psychometric Testing of an Instrument Measuring the Use of Intuition by Nursing Students, Anita Joel Smith PhD, MN, RN
Dissertation: Open Access: Protective Care: Mothering a Child Dependent on Parenteral Nutrition, Lorie H. Judson PhD, MN, RN
Dissertation: Open Access: Heritage College: Partnership Leadership as Catalyst to a Multicultural Learning Community, Mary Ann Joan Elizabeth Kaczmarski EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Prenatal Maternal Attachment: The Lived Experience, Regina Ann Leva-Giroux DNSc
Dissertation: Open Access: Supervisor Leadership Style and Counselors' Burnout: A Comparative Study of High School Counselors and Rehabilitation Counselors, David J. Lubofsky EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: A Study of Quality of Life Issues in Community-Dwelling Elders, Kimberly S. McClane PhD
Dissertation: Open Access: Perception and Reality: An Empirical Assessment of Navy Leadership Styles and Business Process Reengineering Outcomes, Andre D. Murphy EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Point of Transition Service Integration Project: A Multiple-Case Study of a Systems Change Intervention, David A. Noyes EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Modeling the Effects of Financial Aid on Student Enrollment Decisions: A Quantitative Case Study of a Private Catholic University, Linda Siefert EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Genre Studies: Temporary Homogeneous Grouping to Improve Reading or Merely another Form of Tracking?, Brenda Wright Campbell EdD
Dissertations from 2001
Dissertation: Open Access: The Relative Importance of Academic Achievement in Determining the Self-Esteem of Students in Rural British Columbia: An Empirical Examination of Students in Grades 6, 8, 10 and 12, Scott E. Bergstrome EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Women's Experiences With Chronic Heart Failure, Denise M. Boren PhD, MSN, CNS
Dissertation: Open Access: The Balancing Act: Work Environment Issues for Women with Children in Student Affairs, Mary Kimberly Braun Padulo EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: A Study of Officer's Use of Leadership Skills Learned in the Navy's Intermediate Officer Leadership Course, William F. Conroy EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Exploring the Effects of Guilt, Spousal Support, and Role Conflict on the Psychological Well-Being of the Educated Full-Time Stay-at-Home Mother, Susan Donley DeSimone PhD
Dissertation: Open Access: The Implementation of the Least Restrictive Environment Provision of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) for Secondary Students with Learning Disabilities on Guam, Nieves P. Flores EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: The Effect of Professional Growth Opportunities as Determined by California Public High School Instrumental Music Teachers, Charles Friedrichs EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Values Education Influence on Elementary Students' Self-Esteem, Ron W. Germaine EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: The Role of a Middle School Assistant Principal in Establishing and Maintaining Positive School Climate, Charles R. Girvin III EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Aligning Practice with Vision: Leadership for Developing Character and Employability Attributes, Douglas Archibald Hoey EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Perceptions of International Students and University Personnel of Cultural Adjustment Problems at Two Private Universities, John R. Jenkins EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Therapeutic Alliance: Development, Evaluation, and Application of the Kim Alliance Scale, Son Chae Kim PhD, MSN, FNP, RN
Dissertation: Open Access: Teacher Portfolios in the Supervision Process: A Journey of Discovery, Halyna M. Kornuta EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Teachings from Cree Elders: A Grounded Theory Study of Indigenous Leadership, Leona Makokis EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Reflective Practices: Collective Case Studies of Selected K–8 General Music Teachers in Peer Problem-Solving Discipline and Management Workshop Settings, Nan Leslie McDonald EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Crossing Myriad Borders: A Dimensional Analysis of the Migration and Health Experiences of Indigenous Oaxacan Women, Sharon McGuire PhD, OP, MSN, RN-C
Dissertation: Open Access: A Historical Perspective of the Freedom Schools: Implications for Social Change, O. Yvonette Murrell Powell EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: First Nations Students: What Some Teachers do that Make them Successful, Robert M. Peacock EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: A Case Study of Shared Governance at Imperial Valley College, Gregorio A. Ponce EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Factors Related to Resilience Abilities and Self-Care Practices in Adolescents, Sandra L. Solem PhD, MSN, RN
Dissertation: Open Access: Effect of Relaxation on Neuro-Immune Responses of Persons Undergoing Chemotherapy, Patricia K. Taylor Pothier PhD, MS, RN
Dissertation: Open Access: Changes in Navy Leadership Theory and Practice: Post-Vietnam, Nicholas A. Trongale EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: School-Based Management in Alberta: Perceptions of Public School Leaders, 1994–1997, Robert James Wilson EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Faculty Perceptions of Dean Transitions: Does Trust Matter? An Interpretive Case Study of Organizational Trust and Organizational Culture, Rebecca L. Woolston EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: The Effects of Teachers' Flow Experiences on the Cognitive Engagement of Students, Nian Q. Zhu EdD
Dissertations from 2000
Dissertation: Open Access: The Role of Education in the Treatment of Chronic Pain Patients: A Quantitative Study of Factors that Influence the Self -Management of Chronic Pain, Donna L. Agan EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: A Cross-Case Study of Teacher Perceptions of Program Design and Teaching Efficacy: The Seaview Reading Support Program, Susan L. Bowers Smith EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: On the Edge of the Envelope. A Case Study of the Children's Initiative: An Inquiry into Collaboration and Shared Vision, Laurie Coskey EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Career and Family: A Qualitative Study of Working Mothers, Barbara Crummer Lincoln EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: From Warriors to Wingtips: The Leadership Transition of Retired Officers into the Public Sector, Lynn M. Eldred EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Missionary Nurse Dorothy Davis Cook, 1940–1972: "Mother of Swazi Nurses", Susan Elaine Elliott PhD
Dissertation: Open Access: Cultural Factors Influencing Japanese Female College Students' Perceptions of Learning in a Web-Based Environment: Implications for Web-Based Instructional Designers, Theresa L. Lally EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: An Historical Case Study: The Pregnant Minor Program at Garfield High School, 1975–1999, William E. Law EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: An Insider's Perspective: The Dropout Challenge for Canada's First Nations, Patricia Ann Makokis EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Comparison of Health Promotion Behaviors and Performance on the Navy Physical Readiness Test among Active Duty Shipboard Personnel with and without Anterior Knee Pain, Robin Theresa McKenzie PhD, MSN, RN
Dissertation: Open Access: A Comparative Study of Leadership Characteristics of Principals in Charter Schools and Traditional Schools, Roger M. Mestinsek EdD
Dissertation: USD Users Only: Historical Perspective on the Implementation of Inclusive Education in Selected Schools in the Diocese of San Diego, Jennifer Preimesberger EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Noneconomic Barriers to Health Care Utilization by African-Americans, Johnie M. Tarver PhD, MSN, RN
Dissertation: Open Access: Adolescent Perceptions of Parent-Adolescent Communication and Adolescent Pregnancy, Susan L. Tohm Lloyd PhD, MS, RN
Dissertations from 1999
Dissertation: Open Access: Giving Up and Giving In: Young Adolescents' Dilemmas when Caring for a Grandparent with Alzheimer's Disease, Diane Lee Beach EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Crossing the Line: Experiences of the Formerly Homeless Living Past Homelessness, Susan Marie Bennett DNSc, MSN, FNP, RN, CS
Dissertation: Open Access: The Community College Coach: Leadership Practices and Athlete Satisfaction, Jodi P. Coffman EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Games Leaders Play: Collaborative Leadership Development through Simulations in Knowledge-Based Organizations, John Paul Dentico EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Factors Related to Stage at Diagnosis in African-American and Caucasian Women Diagnosed with Breast Cancer in the Military Health System, Sandra C. Garmon Bibb DNSc, MSN, RN
Dissertation: Open Access: Story as a Means to Distributed Cognition in Dispute Mediation, Mary Lindsay EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: A Professional Competency Survey of Organizational Consultants in San Diego County, Angie Mays EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: The Relationship of Principal Leadership Styles and School-Site Conditions to Stress Levels of Elementary School Teachers, Mark Nicholas Remy EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Diversity, Collaboration, Reflective Practice, and Technology in Professional Education Programs: Strategic Choices for Higher Education, Caren L. Sax EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Towards a New Theory of Personal Teaching Efficacy: The Development and Testing of a New Model and Scale Using Teachers and Student Teachers Participating in a Reflective Practitioner Model Practicum, Jan Shields EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Lifting the Veil off Widowhood: Portraits of Transformation, Louise A. Stanger EdD
Dissertations from 1998
Dissertation: Open Access: A Theoretical Perspective of Factors that Relate to the Functional Independence of Mature Adults, Richard N. Ashden EdD,DC
Dissertation: Open Access: Teachers' Perspectives from within a School Leadership Team: A Phenomenological Study, Sheridan L. Barker EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Major Trauma Outcomes: At What Cost? And for Whom? A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, A. Elaine Bond DNSc, MSN, APRN, CCRN
Dissertation: Open Access: Confronting First Nations Cultural Genocide: Showcasing Perspective of Cree Elders for Identity and Leadership Renewal, Phyllis S.A. Cardinal EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Being Alone: The Experience of Elderly Homebound Females, Sharon Davis Burt DNSc, MSN, RN
Dissertation: Open Access: Shared Governance in the British Columbia Post-Secondary Education System: The Boards' Role in Decision-Making, Edwin Deas EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: An Analysis of Dialogue for Understanding Educators' Stress: Implications for Voice, Listening and Leadership, Joanna R. Doonan EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: California African-American Infant Mortality Prevention: A Prospective Study, Clara H. Eder EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Relationships between Posttraumatic Stress, Acculturation, and Maternal Sensitivity in Vietnamese and Hmong Mothers, Gwendolyn F. Foss DNSc
Dissertation: Open Access: Transborder Economic Development: A Collaborative Partnership in the San Diego-Tijuana Region, Piedad Garcia EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Acts of Resistance: Nurses' Personal Narratives, Maryanne Garon DNSc
Dissertation: Open Access: Observing the Spirit of Resilience: The Relationship between Life Experiences and Success in Higher Education for African-American Students, Cheryl Getz EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Conceptual Metaphor in the Health Care Culture, Cheryl D. Glennon DNSc, MS, RN
Dissertation: Open Access: An Analysis of the Pedagogical Methods of Hindu Gurus, Pearl Anjanee Gyan EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: The Journey through Perspective Transformation: Learning Nursing Theory, Judith R. Heggie DNSc, MS, RN
Dissertation: Open Access: Reflections of Reflections of Reflections: A Multi-Case Study of Women Educators' Callings to the High Arctic, Judith Knapp EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Market Values in Education: A Case Study of its Effect on the Principal's Model for School Governance in Alberta, Dean G. Lindquist EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Toward Cooperative Ethics: A Ricoeurian Reading of the Educational Aim of Jose Maria Arizmendiarrieta Founder of the Mondragon Cooperatives, Virgil Lorenzo EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: Collaborative Teaching Practices for a New Century: A Descriptive Case Study of Peer Coaching, Nance Maguire EdD
Dissertation: Open Access: The Experience of Decision-Making among Telephone Advice/Triage Nurses, Ann Mayo DNSc, MSN, RN
Dissertation: Open Access: The Relationship of Self-Esteem, Learned Resourcefulness and Social Support to Health-Related Quality of Life in Long-Term Cancer Survivors, Leli W. Pedro DNSc, MS, RNC, OCN