
Dissertations from 2013


Dissertation: Open Access: Risk-Appropriate Maternal Care: Identifying Risk Factors that Effect Maternal Outcome, Lucy R. Van Otterloo PhD, MSN, RNC, CNS


Dissertation: Open Access: A Comparison of Predictors of Student Grades in Online and Face-to-Face Community College Courses, Pamela Kay Wright EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Data-Driven Decision Making: Teachers' Use of Data in the Classroom, Tammy Wu Moriarty PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: Determinants of Health-Related Quality of Life in Arab American Patients with Type 2 Diabetes, Yousef Zakarni PhD

Dissertations from 2012


Dissertation: Open Access: An Empirical look at Recipient Benefits Associated with a University-Issued Student Leadership Award, Robyn L. Adams PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: Oncology Nurses' Cultural Competence, Knowledge, and Attitudes Toward Cancer Pain, Ayman Alnems PhD, MSN, RN


Dissertation: Open Access: Pain Management in Triage and Reducing Percentage of Left without Being Seen in an Overcrowded ED, Christina Ballejos-Campos PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: Nurse Manager Transformational Leadership Practices and Patient Outcomes Among Magnet and Non-Magnet Hospitals, Bridgett Byrd Sellars PhD, MSN, MA, RN


Dissertation: Open Access: Case Study of Parents Caring for a Child Having Type-1 Diabetes With Optimal HgA1c, Elizabeth Ciaccio PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: The Motivation Beliefs Inventory: Measuring Motivation Beliefs Using Four Motivation Theories, David C. Facer Jr. PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: Documentation: Delirium in the Hospitalized Older Adult, Jacqueline Fitzgerald Close PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: Health Literacy, Cognitive Impairment, and Medication Adherence in Veterans with Heart Failure, Lee Ann Hawkins PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: Breast Health and Mammography Screening in Older Women, Martha A. Ibarra PhD, MSN, ANP, RN


Dissertation: Open Access: Inpatient Glycemic Management: Glucose Control Relationship with Hospital Variables, Discharge Planning and Education, Crisamar Javellana-Anunciado PhD, FNP-BC, RN


Dissertation: Open Access: Obstructive Sleep Apnea and the Effects of Co-Existing Factors on PACU Stay Time, Shari F. Jones PhD, CRNA


Dissertation: Open Access: Investigating the Impact of a Mentor Text Inquiry Approach to Narrative Writing Instruction on Attitude, Self-Efficacy, and Writing Processes of Fourth Grade Students in an Urban Elementary School, Christine Marie Kealoha Kane EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Graduate Student Experiences: The Impact of a Mixed-Cohort Format, Kacy Kilner Hayes PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: Tobacco-Use Promotional Environment and Intrapersonal Environment: Predictors of Smoking Intention Among Young Southern California Thai-American Adolescents, Arpakorn Magkunthod PhD, MSN, RN


Dissertation: Open Access: A Value-Added Study of a Federal Grant Program in Mathematics for Military Dependent Students, Jay C. Marquand PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: Preparing Global Leaders: A Theoretical Model for Understanding the Development of Intercultural Competency, Cynthia Ann Martinez PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: Advising to Promote Self-Authorship: Exploring Advising Strategies and Advisor Characteristics among New Student Affairs Professionals, Emily Marx PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: California School Nurses' Knowledge, Attitude, and Intention to Participate in Sexuality Education, Maria G. Matza PhD, MSN, RNC


Dissertation: Open Access: The Undergraduate Classroom as a Community of Inquiry, Cara Taylor Miller PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: A Qualitative Descriptive Study of the Work of Nurses in Interventional Radiology, Brenda Naef Boone PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: An Investigation of the Effects of Writing Instruction in an Ungraded Informal Learning Environment, Samuel Patterson EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: The Impact of Guided Imagery on Sleep Quality in Mothers of Preterm Infants, Linda M. Schaffer PhD, MN, RN


Dissertation: Open Access: Relationship between Delirium and Night-Time Interruptions in ICU, Amy R. Stuck PhD, RN


Dissertation: Open Access: What We Can Learn from the Lived Experience of Asperger's Syndrome, Craig Allen Talbot EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Factors and Health Promoting Behaviors that Influence Maternal and Infant Outcomes in Older Pregnant Thai Women, Supawadee Thaewpia PhD, MSN, RN


Dissertation: Open Access: Public Health Nurse Decisions Regarding At-Risk Postpartum Case Closure, Denise K. Thompson PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: Toward an Integrated Self: Making Meaning of the Multiple Identities of Gay Men in College, Daniel Weston Tillapaugh PhD

Dissertations from 2011


Dissertation: Open Access: Lived Experience: East African Somali Speaking Women Accessing the U.S. Healthcare System, Shukri Adam PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: Associations among Perceived Benefits, Barriers, Cues, and Physical Activity in Thai Primary Students, Sireewat Ar-yuwat PhD, MPH, RN


Dissertation: Open Access: A Retrospective Analysis of Maternal and Child Outcomes Following an Obesity Intervention Program, Melinda S. Bender PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: What Do They Say? Students from a Private, Faith-Based, Four-Year University Share their Perspectives on College as a Mentoring Environment, Jeffrey Andrew Bolster EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: A Quantitative Inquiry into Moral Distress and Psychological Empowerment in Critical Care Nurses Caring for Adults during End of Life, Annette Marie Browning PhD, RN, CNS


Dissertation: Open Access: Compassionate Care, the Patient Perspective, Lori Burnell PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: An Investigation of How Elementary School Teachers Make Data-Driven Instructional Decisions in Literacy, Cheryl Carangian Pham EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Experiential Education Approaches in Nonprofit Management and Leadership Education: An Examination of Master's Degree Programs Associated with the Nonprofit Academic Centers Council, Heather L. Carpenter PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: Cord Blood Collection in Pregnant Women for Stem Cell Research, Irene Carr PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: A Comparative Content Analysis of Five Spelling Programs in the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Grade, Katherine N. Davis EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Call-Shift Fatigue and Use of Countermeasures and Strategies by Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists, Ramona M. Domen PhD, CRNA


Dissertation: Open Access: Relationship between Self-Stigma and Personal Empowerment among People Who have Severe Mental Illness, Diane Fischer Hickman PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: A Retrospective Study of Substance Use and Mental Health Disorders in a Sample of Urban American Indian and Alaska Natives, Kathryn Aimee Fuller PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: The Lived Experiences of 3rd Generation and Beyond U.S.-Born Mexican Heritage College Students: A Qualitative Study, Richard Galvan EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Perceptions of Leadership: An Analysis of College Students' Understandings of the Concept of Leadership, Paige Haber PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: Examining Nursing Presence in the Acute Care Setting as an Indicator of Patient Satisfaction with Nursing Care, Wendy Hansbrough PhD, MSN, RN


Dissertation: Open Access: Tapping the Hidden Job Market through Informational Interviews: A Qualitative Examination of Students' and Professionals' Perspectives, Kimberly S. Hogelucht PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: The Post Deployment Lived Experience of U.S. Military Troops after Combat-Related Blast Exposure, Shirely A. Jett PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: Improving Diabetic Outcomes with Caring Communication: Identifying Communication Patterning for the Human Diabetic, James R. Kennett PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: How Working Mothers Negotiate Work-Family Conflict: An Exploration of Work Satisfaction, Home Life Satisfaction, and Partner Supportiveness, Karen Kramer Horning PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: A Study of the Impact of the Workplace Learning Function on Organizational Excellence by Examining the Workplace Learning Practices of Six Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Recipients, Cynthia J. Lewis EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: “Voluntary Sector-Rich” and “Voluntary Sector-Poor”: What Difference Does the Distinction Really Make?, Lindsey M. McDougle PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: Emergence Delirium in U.S. Military Combat Veterans, Jason M. McGuire PhD, CRNA


Dissertation: Open Access: Parental Support of Latinos in Higher Education, Maria Lorena Meza PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: Mother-Son Connectedness, Substance Use, and Young Men's Criminal Justice System Involvement, Kim L. Moreno PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: Nursing Students' Lived Experiences surrounding Medication Administration, Sally Nan Morgan PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: Spiritual Well-Being and Quality of Life among Persons with Paraplegia, Darlene Nelson Finocchiaro PhD, MSN, RN, CRRN


Dissertation: Open Access: Nutritional Status and Clinical Outcomes of Residents Admitted to a Nursing Home, Sheryl Nespor PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: Fibromyalgia Self-Care Management: Use of Essential Oils, Regina Ann Sacco Izu PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: Exploration of the Impostor Phenomenon in Law School Students, Owen Glenn Smith PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: Exploring the Growth of Text-Reading Fluency in Upper-Elementary English Language Learners during Instruction based on Repeated Reading, Katharine Staub Harrison EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Health Literacy and Health Promotion Behaviors among Samoans, Katherine Tong PhD, MSN, CFNP, PHN


Dissertation: Open Access: California School Nurse Survey, Rachel Van Niekerk PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: Leadership for Social Change: Learning from Latina/Chicana Activist Educators, Marcia Venegas-García PhD

Dissertations from 2010


Dissertation: Open Access: The Experiences of Expatriate Teachers in International Schools: Five Ethnographic Case Studies, James S. Anderson EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Using Internet Videoconferencing to Connect Fashion Students With Apparel Industry Professionals, Vera Bruce Ashley EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Revitalization, Reinvigoration and Motivation of Survivors in Changed, Restructured and Downsized Organizations: A Study of Leadership Challenges in Local Government, Ronald L. Baza EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: The Effect of Shapedown on Habits and Self-Esteem for Overweight and Obese Children, Susan Bonnell PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: An Empirical Look at the Relationship between Personality Type and the Challenges of Telecommuting, Jacquelyn E. Brown PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: Indigenous Leadership: A Talking-Circle Dialogue with Cree Leaders, Julia L. Buchanan PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: Feasibility Study among Military Personnel with Traumatic Amputation during Military Combat or Training, Michele (Shelly) R. Burdette-Taylor PhD, MSN, RN-BC, CWCN, CFCN


Dissertation: Open Access: Battery and Abuse in the Elderly: A Forensic Analysis, Amy Y. Carney PhD, MFS, NP


Dissertation: Open Access: The Contributions of the Unwanted, Claudia Estela Chavez McKay PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: Examining the Role of Meaning-Making and Cultural Competence in How Teachers Understand and Approach their Work with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students, Sarina Chugani Molina EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Predictors of Job Satisfaction and Burnout in Travel Nurses, Marcia Faller PhD, MSN, RN


Dissertation: Open Access: Social Capital and Economic Empowerment: A Longitudinal Analysis of the Relationship between Changes in the Value of Accumulated Assets and Measures of Social Capital among Rural South African Women, Robert Charles Gailey PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: An Investigation into Digital Media: Characteristics of Learning Objects which K-12 Teachers Determine Meet their Instructional Needs, Patricia Ann Guthrie EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Extending our Understanding of Social Belonging: College Students' Use of Technology, Psychosocial Well-Being, and Sense of Community in University Life, Sara Kathleen Henry PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: The Role of Higher Education in Advancing Nurse Practitioners: A Look at the Institutional Decision Calculus of a Health Sciences University, Debra Jo Johnson PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: Examining Professional Development at the Organizational Level through the Lens of Teachers and Administrators, Lori Kelsey EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Violence, Depression, Parental Stress, and Child Neglect among High Risk Postpartum Women, Kristen D. Lambert PhD, MSN, RN


Dissertation: Open Access: Breastfeeding and Mothers with Chronic Health Conditions, Blanche Landis PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: Quality of Life, Religious/Spiritual Coping, Demoralization and Depression in Heart Failure Patients, Terry Larsen PhD, RN, CNS


Dissertation: Open Access: The Effects of Instructor-Avatar Immediacy in Second Life, an Immersive and Interactive 3D Virtual Environment, Sabine Karine Lawless-Reljic EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: The Relationship between Reading Fluency, Writing Fluency, and Reading Comprehension in Suburban Third-Grade Students, Mary Leonard Palmer EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Application of Systems Engineering Science to the Healthcare Environment, Jonathan Mack PhD, MSN, ANP, RN


Dissertation: Open Access: Strategic Planning: Contextual Factors that Facilitated and/or Challenged the Implementation of Strategic Planning in Two Nonprofit Organizations, Devadhasan Masilamony PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: Quality of Life, Hope, Social Support, and Self-Care in Heart Failure Patients, Karen A. McGurk PhD, MN, RN


Dissertation: Open Access: Postconflict Community Development in Sierra Leone: Western, Cultural, and National Influences, Whitney Mclntyre Miller PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: Shared Presence: Caring for a Dying Spouse, Lana Sue McLouth Kanacki PhD, MS, RN


Dissertation: Open Access: Neurodevelopmental Outcomes of High Risk Infants, Lisa E. Miklush PhD, MSN, RNC, CNS


Dissertation: Open Access: Factors Influencing the Decision of High School Graduating Seniors in Corozal, Puerto Rico, to Pursue University Studies, Aned Yarelis Muñiz Gracia EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: An Investigation of the Test-Taking Skills and Associated Thinking Processes of Ninth Grade English Language Arts Students, Mary B. O'Shea EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Thai Patients' Experiences of End-Stage Renal Disease: A Path through an Unknown World, Chuleeporn Piyasut PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: A Critical Reflection on Advanced Practice Nursing, Patricia Quinn PhD


Dissertation: Open Access: California Charter School Closures: Perspectives and Advice from Nine Former Charter School Directors, Jennifer Reiter-Cook EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Latina First Year Experience: Factors that Contribute to Persistence from the First to the Second Year in Higher Education, Guadalupe Rodriguez Corona EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Tuberculosis Awareness and Public Opinion on Expanding Health Insurance Coverage, Belal A. Saadeh PhD, MSN, RN


Dissertation: Open Access: Investigating the Self-Assessment of Adult Literacy Learners with Dyslexia across Several Cognitive Domains, Kelli Sandman-Hurley EdD