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Abstract or Description

This FACE Peace Design Brief considers education and training programs among peacebuilders in the digital age. Recent advances in technology, and cultural shifts brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, have allowed program and event designers to consider a wide variety of tools and practices that allow education to happen at a distance or asynchronously.

Peacebuilding organizations often facilitate programs designed to train or educate. In some cases, these programs seek to impart specific technical skills to professional members of the peacebuilding community; in others, the seek to impart broader skills and knowledge to informal, grassroots peace practitioners. In some cases, facilitators implement these programs in face-to-face sessions. Increasingly, however, educational programing in the peacebuilding field takes place in whole or in part in distanced or even asynchronous settings.

This Design Brief considers the issue of education and training programs from the perspective of participant recruitment and preparation. It discusses how certain participant needs are amplified by distance from instructors and other students as well as how program design might meet these needs.

We focus on the problems associated with learning loss in distanced education. Which educational programs are best suited for distanced or asynchronous delivery? How can we choose which elements of hybrid learning programs can be distanced versus face-to-face?

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peacebuilding, virtual, education


Peace and Conflict Studies

FACE Peace Design Brief #2: Education and Training Programs in the Digital Age
