San Diego Law Review
Volume 24, Issue 4 (1987) Tort Reform Symposium
Editorial Board
Serious Tort Law Reform
Stephen D. Sugarman
On Sugarman on Tort-Chopping
Oscar S. Gray
Up with Torts
Joseph W. Little
How Serious Is Sugarman's "Serious Tort Law Reform"?
Monroe Berkowitz
Serious Tort Reform Isn't: A Critique of Professor Sugarman's "Serious Tort Law Reform"
Harry M. Snyder
Defining the Agenda for Serious Tort Reform
Alfred W. Cortese Jr. and Yosef J. Riemer
North America's Most Ambitious No-Fault Law: Quebec's Auto Insurance Act
Jeffrey O'Connell and Charles Tenser
The Social Insurance-Deterrence Dilemma of Modern North American Tort Law: A Canadian Perspective on the Liability Insurance Crisis
Michael J. Trebilcock
Wrongful Death Damages in California: On the Brink of Full Compensation
Thomas E. Courtney Jr.