
Dissertations and Theses from 1994


Dissertation: Open Access: Implementing Total Quality Management in a College of Business, Jeffrey William Glazer EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Leadership: Personal Narratives of Practitioners, R. Daniel Israel EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: The Leadership of a Superintendent: Putting the California School Reform Movement to Work, Jennifer L. Jeffries EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Creating Campus Climates that are Free from Sexual Harassment: Implications for Leaders in Higher Education, Susan E. Mitchell EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Leadership Training of Ministerial Students in Evangelical Institutions of Higher Education, Alan E. Nelson EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Barriers to Community: The Development of an Instrument to Assess Components of Prejudice, Anita M. Rogers EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Self-Esteem: A Descriptive Study of Students of San Diego Unified School District at Grades 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 Related to Components of Self-Esteem, Kathryn Dorothy Skube EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Spirituality and Leadership, Dana M. Walling EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: A Model Part-Time Bachelor's Degree Program for Adults at California Public Research Institutions, Karen Jil Warn EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Meeting Graduate Student Needs through Alternative Programs: An Analysis of the Impact of Factors Related to Student Choice, Debra Jill Wright EdD

Dissertations and Theses from 1993


Dissertation: Open Access: The Effect of Reading and Discussing Literature with Strong Women Characters on Sixth Grade Students’ Sex Stereotype and Occupational Attitudes, Leslie Caspi EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: A Framework of Transformational Leadership Concepts Proposed for Undergraduate College and University Student Development and Student Affairs Leadership Programs, Stanley D. Fasci EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: District Elections, Redistricting and Recall: A Study of the Fifth District of the City of San Diego, 1988-1991, Linell Blair Fromm EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Organizations of the Future: An Analysis of Current Literature and a New Model, Barbara E. Gilliss EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: The Development of an Instrument to Measure Global-Mindedness, E. Jane Hett EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Bicultural Women in Monocultural Organizations: Professional Hispanic Women's Experiences of Diversity and their Recommendations for Organizations, Carmen Mestas Bárcena EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Leadership Relationships and the Superintendency, Theresa M. Peterson EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Empowerment as a Dynamic of the Leadership Relationship: A Study of Two Local Governmental Organizations, Danell Scarborough Gavares EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Dimensions of Anxiety and their Effect on an Aspect of the Performance Process: Commission of Mental Errors, Ralph Richard Schoenfeld EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: An Evaluation Study of the Effects of the PIRK Reading Program on Reading and Learning Development in Learning-Disabled Students, Ethelyn Elliott Shippey EdD

Dissertations and Theses from 1992


Dissertation: Open Access: Leadership in Policy Issue Networks: The New Community College of Baltimore, Helen H. Bishop EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Principals in Saskatchewan Rural Schools: Their Leadership Behaviors and School Effectiveness, Ronald W. Brice EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Valuing a Culturally Diverse Work Force: An Examination of Intended Changes and Successes as Perceived by Upper and Middle Management, Supervisors, and Line Staff in a Health Care Organization, Cynthia L. Camberg EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Entrepreneurial Leadership: A Delphi Study of New Venture Success Factors, Alan J. Grant EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: A Survey of Teaching Strategies Used in California Community College Nursing Programs to Foster Critical Thinking, Nicki Harrington EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Leadership in a Different Voice: An Ethnographic Study of a Latina Chief Executive Officer in a California Community College, Lois Margaret Knowlton EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: The Impact of the Accountability Movement on Principals in a Large Southern California School District, Dianette T. Mitchell EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: An Evaluation of Student Perceptions of Academic Advising in a RN/BSN Distance Educational Nursing Program, Barbara A. Trent EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Constructing and Testing Practical Procedures for Describing a Corporate Culture: The Electric Troublemen, Timothy S. Vonder EdD

Dissertations and Theses from 1991


Dissertation: Open Access: An Investigation of the Preferential Learning Strategies, Modality Preferences, and Academic Performance among Eighth-Grade Students, Sally J. Bottroff-Hawes EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Memory Change and Cognitive Function among the Elderly, Janet L. Conant EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: An Exploration of the Determinants of Attitude toward Computers in Middle School Students, Earl Wayne Connell EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: The Effect of Sexual Harassment on Female Naval Officers: A Phenomenological Study, Kathleen Anne Krohne EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: A Comparative Study of the Perceived Job Satisfaction of Site Administrators in San Diego City Schools, Roderick Reid Matheson EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: An Evaluation of the Program of Theological Education by Extension at the Center for Christian Studies in Northwest Mexico, Joseph E. Mattox EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Political Participation of Registered Nurses: A Correlational Study, Ophelia B. McDaniels EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: The Impact of an Integrated Study Skills Program on University of La Verne Adult Undergraduates at Vandenberg Air Force Base and Naval Air Station North Island, Pamela Priest EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: A Study of Leadership: A Qualitative Case Study of Intended Changes within the County Government of San Diego, Shelia Quinlan Williams EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Profile of a Transformational Leader: A Sacred Mission, Karen Louise Skalbeck EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: An Analysis of Selected California Community College Faculty Members' Perceptions of Challenges Experienced during the First Year of Hire, Kristen M. Stonebreaker EdD, MA, BA


Dissertation: Open Access: Leadership Development at a Training Center in the Philippines, Henry Heng-Lee Tan EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: The Leadership Process and Its Effects on Self-Managed Work Groups in American Manufacturing Companies, Stephen R. Wirkus EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Ethnic Inclusion Strategies for the World Affairs Council: A Case Study, Adriana Cornelia Theresia Zylmans EdD

Dissertations and Theses from 1990


Dissertation: Open Access: Diverse Voices of Leadership: Different Rhythms and Emerging Harmonies, Kathleen E. Allen EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: A Study of Planned Organizational Change at General Dynamics, Richard A. Barker EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Literary Perceptions of Leadership, Dallas B. Boggs EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: The Impact of Federal Regulation on Time to Equivalence and Compliance within the Orthopaedic Medical Device Industry, John J. Carlow EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: An Evaluation Instrument for the Selection of an Integrated Learning System, Sally Ann Draper Zoll EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Vision: An Essential Component of Transforming Leadership, Robert A. Fink EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Education for Christian Leadership, James H. Ford EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Profiles in Faculty Leadership: The Experience of 1985-1986 California Community College Senate Presidents, Candice Ann Francis EdD, MS, BA


Dissertation: Open Access: A Study of Factors Contributing to Achieving and Sustaining School Effectiveness in Elementary Schools, Janet A. Hageman Chrispeels EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: An Interpretive Study of the Professional Socialization of Neophyte Nurses into the Nursing Subculture, Elisabeth J. Hamel EdD, RN


Dissertation: Open Access: Case Studies of First-Year Elementary Teachers on St. Croix to Develop a Model for Teacher Leadership, Ruth Harrigan Beagles EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: A History of Women's Intercollegiate Athletics in San Diego Community Colleges from 1955 to 1972, Nan Elizabeth Haugen EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: The Impact of Feeding Methods on Exclusion from Child Care for Infants under Six Months of Age, Elizabeth G. Jones EdD, MPH, RD


Dissertation: Open Access: Human Sexuality Programs in Catholic Secondary Schools in the 80's, Maria Teresa Klein EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Faith and Leadership: The Spiritual Journeys of Transformational Leaders, Rita M. Marinoble EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: The Effect of Science Inservice Programs on the Self-Efficacy Belief of Elementary School Teachers, P.A. Moore EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: The Influence of the Strategic Planning Process on a Nonprofit Board and a Public Commission, Mary Alicia Powers EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: A Study of the Differences between Classrooms Using a Meaning-Centered Approach and a Code-Centered Approach in the First Year Implementation of the California English-Language Arts Framework, Carolyn F. Salerno EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: California Pioneers in Speech Pathology: 1915 through 1951, Looking Back for the Future, Sandra L. Singleton EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Directions for Leadership of the Association of California Community College Administrators, Judith Anne Strattan EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: A Learning Center Assessment Tool for the Assessment of Academic Services of a Private Learning Center, James Gregory Zoll EdD

Dissertations and Theses from 1989


Dissertation: Open Access: The Impact of Oppressive Military-Political Governments on School Effectiveness in Uganda, 1971 to 1986, Daniel M. Babigumira EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Using A Cultural Change Intervention to Improve Organizational Effectiveness: An Evaluative Case Study, Terry M. Dearstone EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Think Globally, Act Locally: A Delphi Study of Educational Leadership through the Development of International Resources in the Local Community, Stuart R. Grauer EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: The Effect of Art Education on Self-Concept of Disabled Adult Students in a Community College Setting, James Joseph Harrington EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Leadership and Culture, Richard L. Henrickson EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: The Transformation of a Corporate Culture in a Mature Organization, James F. Kelly EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: From Parent to Child: The Effects of a Home Learning Program on Attitudes and Achievements, Linda Linstrom Baker EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Organizational Change in Action: A Qualitative Case Study of USAir's Acquisition of Pacific Southwest Airlines, Joan A. Miszak EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: The Schools of the Future Commission of San Diego City Schools: An Ethnographic Study, Bertha Ousley Pendleton EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: The Labyrinth of Challenge to Change: An Analysis of Community College Leaders' Thinking Styles and Behavioral Practices in the Current Environment, Mary Elizabeth Scott EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: A Delphi Study of California Community College Counselors' Responsibilities and Competencies for the 1990's as Perceived by Chief Student Services Administrators, Noelia Vela EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: An Analysis of the Special Education Services for Children and Youth in Costa Rica, Beatriz Villarreal EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: A Study of the Impact of a Quality Circle on a Public Secondary School in Southern California, Ronald E. Williams EdD

Dissertations and Theses from 1988


Dissertation: Open Access: On Being a Truant: A Phenomenological Study of Students in a Comprehensive High School, Diane Berger McClure EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Naturalistic Inquiry: An Appropriate Method for Evaluating Customer Training A Case Study of a Computer System Value-Added Reseller, Barbara Coulter Broderick EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: A Qualitative Analysis of Successful Management Behaviors of Black Female Administrators in Higher Education, Patricia A. Harvard EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: An Analysis of Selected California Community College Chief Executive Officers' Perceptions of the Effectiveness of District Governing Board Evaluation Policies and Practices, Sherrill Lea Hatfield Amador EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Accessing A Global Language: A Comparison of G-TELP and TOEFL Performance, Paula C. Kelly EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: A Study of Shared Instructional Leadership by Mentor Teachers in Southern California, Rita M. King EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: The Utilization of the Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education Act Funding within the Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSP&S) of the California Community Colleges, Susan Jean Sargent EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: The Impact of the Father/Daughter Relationship on Women in Educational Administrative Leadership Positions, Marilyn Ann Skordas EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: The Emergence of the Middle School in Independent Education, Lawrence S. Sykoff EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Improving Critical Thinking Skills Using Paideia Seminars in a Seventh-Grade Literature Curriculum, Stephanie A. Tarkington EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Organizing for Change: An Assessment of Organization Development Activities of Training Consultants, Katherine Waller EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Attributes of Undergraduates Majoring in Scientific and Technological Disciplines: Perseverance and Commitments, Judith Watlington Edwin EdD

Dissertations and Theses from 1987


Dissertation: Open Access: The Heart and Spirit of Transformational Leadership A Qualitative Case Study of Herb Kelleher’s Passion for Southwest Airlines, Kevin L. Freiberg EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Executive Effectiveness Profile Instrument Development and Validation, John W. Hanes EdD


Dissertation: USD Users Only: An analysis of state aid to nonpublic elementary and secondary schools in the 50 states, 1970-1984, Florence E. Johnson


Dissertation: Open Access: A Study of Feminine Role Models Selected by Catholic Women, Miriam F. Kaeser EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Compulsory Interest Arbitration in Public Education: A Case Study, Madeline Mary Keri EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: A Study of the Commonalities and Differences of Male and Female Spiritual Leaders, Alex Kodiath EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: The Long Term Consequences of Specific Language Disabilities: The Secondary School Years, Nancy Le Sanders Royal EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: Leadership and Adult Development: A Study of Higher Education Academic Administrators, Anna R. Newton EdD


Dissertation: Open Access: A Synthesis of Dissertation Research on Faculty-Role Stressors in Nursing Education, Lynette A. Patton EdD, RN


Dissertation: Open Access: An Investigation of Strong Religious Cultures in Selected Catholic Secondary Schools, John Philip Pejza EdD, OSA


Dissertation: Open Access: The Effect of Cooperative Learning on the Spelling Skills, Self-Concept, and Locus of Control of Below Average Learners, Lyle Rangel EdD