Publication Date

Spring 5-11-2019

Document Type

Capstone project: USD users only

Degree Name

MA Leadership Studies


Leadership Studies


Multigenerational training has evolved within the past few years to incorporate all five generations in the workforce. Unlike for-profit organizations, nonprofit organizations are still struggling to implement a multigenerational training that effectively educates all their volunteers. The nonprofit organization in focus is HandsOn San Diego. They currently have a Team Leader training that provides general guidance on how to manage volunteers. Unfortunately, it does not train Team Leaders to work with individuals from each generation. This research paper discusses a servant leadership approach and the analysis of the five generations to integrate a multigenerational practice into the Team Leader training experience. The purpose of the study is aimed at promoting servant leadership to elders and adolescents in the community to enhance their intergenerational ties through various shared volunteer activities. These findings could guide nonprofit organizations in designing training mechanisms that ensure both volunteers and knowledge are used to their fullest potential.
