The Masters in Leadership Studies Capstone Project Papers were designed to provide Master’s students with an opportunity to demonstrate the integration and application of their learning throughout their program through an applied or research-based project.
Applied projects offer a design, program or process to address a challenge, issue or topic. Applied projects require students to apply the conceptual and practical knowledge they have gained in the program to address a “real-life” problem or issue, without requiring an extensive literature review or research methodology development.
Research projects focus on developing a more in depth understanding of an issue, interest, concern, or phenomenon. The research includes a miniature literature review on the topic and provides explanations of the implications and applications for future practice in the related field.
Project papers were deposited in Digital USD from 2017 to 2019.
Capstone Project Papers from 2019
The Importance of Leadership Development for Elementary-Age Students, Katrina Calvert
Creating Better Bureaucracy Through the Use of Servant Leadership, Charles Davis
The Integration Process of United States Veterans at the University of San Diego, Emily Duncan
Women Not Welcome: A Study of Gender Inequality and Leadership in STEM, Stephanie Eikermann
High School Service Learning as a Student-Directed Club, Jeff Gramme
Bonding Generations Through Team Leader Training, Laela Hannify
The Correlation Between Online Marketing Strategies and Fundraising Performance of Nonprofit Organizations, Goran Orucevic
Developing Leaders in Schools: Unique Servant Leadership Youth Development Curriculum, Aarti B. Patel
Considering Chaos: Cultivating Change on the Edges of Calamity, Jake Peters
Cultivating Creativity: Leadership, Organizational Culture, and Organizational Support for Design Teams, Nick Porter
Mindful Facilitation - Designing a Workshop Linking Transformative Leadership Theory to Facilitation Techniques to Increase Facilitator Confidence, Cristina Schaffer
Nudge or Puppet? Decision-Making, Ethics, and Leadership in the Information Age, Yihe Yang
The Role of For-profit Educational Leadership Styles in Creating Shared Values, Diyang Yu
Capstone Project Papers from 2018
Re-Imagining Business Enterprise as a Force for Social Good: Exploring Shared Values and the Future of a Sustainable World, Regina Bernal
An analysis of the Effects of Cultural Expectations and Family Obligations on Latina Women Attending College, Valeria Bielma
Self-empowerment of minorities focusing on trans-border communities, Lizbet Carrillo
Volunteer-Reliant Organizations, Andrea Cash
Dreaming Qontigo: Imagining Possibilities, david alejandrx cervantes
Positive Organizational Leadership: Some Recent Findings in Positive Organizational Scholarship, Lawrence Chan
Foster Youth Access to Higher Education, Raul Enciso
Reinventing Mentorship Programs: Values of Co-Mentorship in Organizations, Fabiola Escobedo Torres
Adaptive Leadership and the Maronite Church, Emily Michelle Fattouh
Access and Healthy Communities: How gardening and education can help foster leadership in low-income communities, Alexandria Frazier
Thought Forge: Investment in Critical Thinking, Christian Hampton
Impacts of Student-Athletes Who Become Pregnant While Competing in Division I Basketball, Maya Hood
Identifying Factors That Impact Female Leadership Presence, Victoria Elizabeth Kendall
Personal and Leadership Development in the Middle School Environment: The School STRONG Initiative, Ashley Kunkle
Generation Z: Utilizing Adaptive and Authentic Leadership to Promote Intergenerational Collaboration at Work, Elizabeth Laudert
Segregation of Student Financial Aid in Higher Education: The Effects on Low-Income Students When EBT Is Not Accepted at University Campuses in San Diego, CA., Tanisha-Jean Martin
LEAD/HD: A Pilot Leadership Development Workshop, Meaghan McCaughey
For-Profit Educational Institutions, Rogelio McInnis
Culture as a System of Shared Meaning: Exploring Intercultural Leadership Identity Through Practical Application, Emily Patrick
First Generation College Parents: Bridging the Gap Between the American Higher Education System and Latino Families, Georgina Pérez
Mindful Action for Practice of Sustainability, Gary Ransom
Creating a New Culture of Care for Individuals Living With Parkinson's Disease, Dijana Ristic
Native American Education: Building Stronger Families, Communities, and Youth through Cultural Education, Kenia Rodriguez
Natural Athletic Blacks and Intelligent Whites; Race and Sports in the Media, Michel Sproles
Facilitating Conflict Resolution in Organizations: A Curriculum for Managers and Emerging Leaders, Gregory Vega
How Leadership Improves Intercultural Negotiation, Xinrui Wang
Developing Cultural Intelligence and Transformational Leadership Through Participation in Short-Term Study Abroad Programs, Rebecca Whitham
Capstone Project Papers from 2017
Cultivate Conscious Kids: Unique Youth Leadership Development Programming, Ashley Adams
Leadership Style and Employee Turnover A Mythical Relationship or Reality?, Arwa Alkhawaja
Bloom - Youth Empowerment and Development Through a Practice of Emotional Leadership, Andrea Andrade
Ethnic Nationalism and Identity Formation in Cyprus, 1571 to 1974, Nicholas James Antoniades
Corporate Culture and the Leaderships on the Development of Companies, Jimengmeng Chen
The Vicious Cycle of Mass Polarization and Fear: A Pilot Program Using Comedy and Dialogue to Leverage Political Polarities, Zoë A. Hayman
Turn Off That Device, Kris Iacono
Evenings of Dialogue and Discovery: Am I being an Authentic Woman Leader?, Ashley P. Jones
Examining Hierarchy Structures in Non-Profits; The Keller Model, Scott J. Keller
Transactional and Transformational Leadership and Emotional Intelligence for Athletic Coaches, Justin Maidenberg
Differences in Leadership Between China and US, Xiaomu Pan
It's a Girl Thing Enrichment Club, Jasmine D. Reaves
Retention, Mentorship, and Servant Leadership: An analysis for Retaining 2050’s Generals in Today’s Army, Owen J. Ryckman
Mindfulness Program for Student Athletes, Daniel J. Savory
Toxic leadership in Korea through the case of President Park’s impeachment, Eunho Shin
Nature Unplugged: Cultivating Healthier Boundaries around Technology and Inspiring Reconnection with Nature, Sebastian Slovin and Sonya Mohamed
Community Collaboration: Furthering the Anchor Institution Concept within Linda Vista, Shelby J. Smock
Self Powered: A Guide to Becoming a Self-Leader, Samantha D. Wolf